NSW Southlines continuation?????????


New member
hi all

at this time i have southlines wagga to young all hooked up and running.

what i would like to ask is this

are there any maps going from young to:
milvale, bribbaree, caragabal, forbes
parkes, peak hill, narromine
dubbo, mendooran, binnaway, coonabarrabran
gunnedah, narrabri, moree, goondiwindi, inglewood, warwick
and then onto toowoomba and brisbane

this is the route i would love to put together and run

any help would be greatly appreciated

firstly a big whinge.....if you haven't been active for a few minutes you get turfed out of the forum and have to log in again.....just because I had to take time to search for info for this reply and so I'm replying in bit 'n pieces.....
Hi Steven,

There may well be other bits around. I'm not familiar enough to know.
Please bear in mind that people may be (shock/horror) temporarily distracted from 100% dedication to Trainz just now.

I am very interested in any developments of the South_West Mail train & associated route.
I would love to be able to get from Narrandera to Sydney; in Trainz.
My 'back-burner' project; "Narrandera_Tocumwal" branch line could potentially provide the secondary rail route between Sydney & Melbourne.

Presently I am tied up with the DHR project, however once that's done I will be getting into my own project.
What I'm learning in the DHR project I will be able to make use of in my own project.

My project partner has all the details of the actual Trainz route, & had done some basic route layout & planning.
Unfortunately he is not currently able to continue, & as yet I've not been able to get this data from him.
So I may well have to start from scratch & do it all myself.
I've been busy amassing huge resource/research info, so I can (in time) put together a very well researched & accurate representation of that branch line & the communities it served.
My contribution to the non-extinction of our heritage.

I wish you well with your endeavors of extending Southlines & look forward to seeing it's progress.

yes living in queensland i do not know what the nsw countryside is like.
i have downloaded all the above maps and i will try to use them for now.

i have (shock / horror) i like that one
cut the young line from where it was and attached it to the end of Harden.
from there i will try to get matching maps in layout heights to continue on.
when i get the time that is.

i have already changed some of the stations as i need them to be active

i will be driving mostly passenger trains. the goods trains i will pull up to a trackmarker and then a wait commend
as i do not like the way they block the mainline when using them live.

thanks and i will post screenshots when i get the time

photos of harden needed

if any one know some one living near hardenb or have a pictures please let me know i need to view the station and yards and the line all the way to cootamundra thanks
Southlines Suite of Routes

There have been several forum posts on the Southlines suite try a search of the forum on 'Southlines' for starters.
The following post is the key one...
"NSW and Soutlines merged routes, maybe largest in Trainz (Warning large image)"

there is also a diagram which explains which routes can be connected.

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great work guys love to see more havnt been into trains much any more but might come back some time due to lack of kindness in here but ill push me self back into it
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