not impressed with MULTIPLAYER


retired train driver
I hope soon that TANE are going to have a fix for multiplayer problems I have many buddy adds that are also having so many problems with multiplayer :'(Many of my buddies are especially having problems with the KICKSTARTER route only admins can load the wagons and the wagons show the load where as all other players wagons do not show the loads and the ctrl right click details does not show if wagons are loaded and then you go to empty the wagons and it does not register on the industry:( at first I thought my connection until my buddies tried the same thing same problem unless they went admins. Also another multiplayer problem is if you start a session on the routes when you finish the session your name still stays on the list as having a session on that route many of my buddies have had the same problem with there game session staying on the list routes except for KICKSTARTER because that route is just so full of problems on multiplayer it crazy.:'(i know it not my internet connection as I have very fast NBN connection and had it tested and it not my computer because I bought a computer especially stated to thr highest reccommendations on the back of the box I bought the game in I had the computer made just for trainz games I have owned most of the trainz games from trainz 2006,2009,2012 and trainz classics version 1 , 2 , and 3 and trainz a new era by TANE is the most promlematic one I ever owned hopefully service gets better soon for the money we pay to play these games