Newbie questions


New member
Good afternoon,

I just bought trainz 2006 and I'm loving it. I'm not into making my own routes but I love downloading the great routes all of you have created. I do have a few questions. When I bought this program, it didn't come with a manual.

I'm trying to use the Hiawatha coach car to pick up passengers but it says it can't hold passengers like the AMTRAK super coach can. Is there a way I can edit the Hiawatha coach so it can carry passengers?

Also, My computer isn't hooked to the internet so I don't have it registered. I download the files off of my wifes computer and transfer them to my machine. Will I be able to run the files if I'm not registered?

Thanks in advance. I still have more questions but I"m searching the forum to see if I can answer them myself.

Welcome to the Trainz Community

Not having your Trainz registered will limit your access to some of the most important Trainz areas.


I've registered my copy on my wife's machine but I don't play the game on her machine. I only download the files onto her machine then I transfer them onto mine. Do you see any problems with that?

I downloaded a locomotive and a route today. I tried installing them and it looks like they installed into the editing folder but they don't work in the game. The locomotive shows up in the list of trains but there are no textures for it. The locomotive did say it was made for version 2004 which I didn't see when I downloaded it. Does 2004 stuff work on 2006?

I also noticed in the route I downloaded it said it requires Crossbucks?

Yeah I remember hitting commit. I'm still trying to figure this program out. It will take me a little while and some trial and error.
