D dreddman Oct 01 Ver 1.1 owner Dec 25, 2006 #2 HA!!!... I thought that the "Steam Train Passes!" Influence was in there ........Good Work 8 out of 10 now get out of the room I'm busy!
HA!!!... I thought that the "Steam Train Passes!" Influence was in there ........Good Work 8 out of 10 now get out of the room I'm busy!
S spacemarine88 New member Dec 26, 2006 #3 i might make another one with a queensland style in a few days
K Klinger The Chicago CTA guy Dec 26, 2006 #4 i think ill do somthing simular when my Rotary is done, i think a good way to show off new content, somthing serious content creators will have to look towards..... pictures cant do justice somtimes....
i think ill do somthing simular when my Rotary is done, i think a good way to show off new content, somthing serious content creators will have to look towards..... pictures cant do justice somtimes....
F flathog Warning - Do not drop 747 Jan 5, 2007 #7 Hey 3830 if you need help with the C38 give me a buzz... Also SpaceMarine88 you might want to as well... Tom ________ Lamborghini Marco Polo history Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
Hey 3830 if you need help with the C38 give me a buzz... Also SpaceMarine88 you might want to as well... Tom ________ Lamborghini Marco Polo history
M Muliebuck New member Jan 5, 2007 #8 Great movie there mate - well done, as the music and scenes flow very nicely together
3 3830 Grasshopper Jan 5, 2007 #9 Love it, looks great. From a fellow movie maker (not trainz though) its was an excelent production. 9/10 stars. Daniel
Love it, looks great. From a fellow movie maker (not trainz though) its was an excelent production. 9/10 stars. Daniel