new to trains


New member
Hi, i am totally new to model trains not sure if this is the right place to ask for advice but anyway here we go, i want to buy a train set for my son was looking at the hornby range flyingscot or orient something like that, are hornby trains good how hard is it to put together on a board and how much should i expect to pay fro setup any help would be appreciated thankyou
I've used it and it's very simple to set up. Even a kid could do it. As for price, Google Hornby
It might be worth taking a look at some of the Internet retailers. As well as official product information from the manufacturers, you might also find some comments from purchasers. Such comments often need to be read with a pinch of salt but they can be useful.

The manufacturer's web site might have more details. Although probably irrelevant in this case, when researching products such as computer hardware and sofftware, televisions and washing machines it's often useful to download the manual from the manufacturer's web site to really check how the thing operates prior to making a purchase decision.

A factor is how old your son is and whether he's at the toy train (eg. Thomas) or the model train stage. When I was 10 I got a Hornby Freightmaster set with a class 31 diesel, some wagons and a simple oval of track with one siding. We added to this a class 37 diesel and some Mk2 carriages plus enough track to add a second siding. And this was all mounted on a single flat baseboard. This was more than enough to get me started.

If your son develops an interest beyond this simple beginning then he can find out how to add realistic scenery, multi level baseboards, advanced control systems like DCC etc.

Hope this works out - this can be a hobby for life! :cool:

I have a hornby dcc (digital comand control) pendolino set witch is very simple, was very easy to set up. Has tilting action. Cost £160 from "Antics" came with an oval track and one siding.

Well I guess somebody has to ask the question: have you considered opting for a computer train simulator program rather than a physical model train set?
