New layout -- the "Hoofhearted & Smelz" - a NG model Trainz layout


Well-known member
"Wot!" I hear you say. "Didn't this guy upload a couple of narrow gauge toy train layouts just a short while ago?"

Yep. And here is another, "The Hoofhearted & Smelz RRCo".

I've been browsing the Web for a while looking for narrow gauge track plans that are interesting and provide good operating possibilities. I chanced upon this, the "Degulbeef and Cradding":


If you Google "Degulbeef and Cradding" you will find details of the actual model railroad, images, even a youtube video.

Anyway, I thought it had possibilities. The end result is a track plan that is similar but a little different:


I thought that the double spiral would be too much of a challenge in Trainz so I replaced it with a switchback. The port area has also been expanded to include a sawmill. And there are several other changes to add operational interest.

So, here we have it -- "The Hoofhearted & Smelz RRCo" is a narrow gauge railroad that links the small port town of Hoofhearted with the logging area and mine on the Smelz plateau.

The industries on the layout include a logging site, log dump, dry sort yard, sawmill, mine, ore and log dock, ore bagging mill and port. All have interactive industry tracks that can be configured for the loading and unloading of suitable freight cars.

Traffic flows include:
Logs from the logging site to the log dump, dry sort yard, ore and log dock and sawmill.​
Logs from the dry sort yard to the sawmill.​
Lumber from the sawmill to the steamship wharf.​
Ore from the mine to the ore dock and bagging mill.​
Plant, equipment and supplies from Hoofhearted to the plateau.​

The whole layout fits on one Trainz baseboard, the brick walls in the screen shots are on the perimeter of the baseboard.

As with all my layouts:
All content is either built-in to T:ANE or is from the Download Station. But do use Manage Content to check that all dependencies have been captured.
It does tend to follow prototypical practices. The switchstands, for example, are configured so that the red disk shows when the switch is set for the diverging track, so "Help" (the red/green arrows over switches) can be disabled.​

A few more screen shotz. This one shows the Hoofhearted port area, the mine on the Smelz plateau on the right with the ore and log dock in the foreground and the log dump on the extreme left:


Here we have the logging area on the left and the ore mill in the foreground:


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The logging area and part of the switchback, and the log dump on the left:


And finally an aerial view, port to the left, plateau at the top:


I've also posted a youtube video that follows the progress of a consist of locomotive with hoppers from the port to mine (watch full screen and 1080p):

Known issues:
Only one at this stage. The switch at the entrance to the loop behind the dry sort yard can not be altered by a mouse click on it because the dry sort yard intercepts the mouse cursor. Either use the map view to set the switch or use J / Ctrl-J to set the switch, depending on whether the switch is to the front or rear of the consist.​

The layout should be on the Download Station "soon". Sessions will follow.

And just remember - it's all meant to be fun and not taken too seriously.

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I just got TS12 updated to 61388 and running on my little Surface Pro 2 last night. You are going to be singlehandedly responsible for my need to purchase a new computer. Let that be on your conscience! ;-)

This looks awesome.
hi Phil,

i got it and installed in TANE sp1:)

pretty nice model layout. i love ur style build layouts...

thanks for that Phil

best regards

Your fault phil i'm addicted to these little locos now...
Bully Boy 0-6-4 mason bogie on a works explore train
"You are going to be singlehandedly responsible for my need to purchase a new computer. Let that be on your conscience! ;-)"

Only, after making that investment in a new PC, you decide it hasn't been worth while. I'm actually surprised that a Surface runs any version of Trainz at all. With your new computer make sure it has the grunt to run T:ANE with shadows at the max. That is important.

Jan, Tom, ... --

Thanks. I'm in the process of finalising sessions. I've gotta admit that I actually do enjoy running trains on this little route. It's turned out much better than I expected.

For those who want to see the "real" model railroad (and please don't compare it with the T:ANE version 'cause it's not possible to replicate the untidiness and clutter of the actual model layout) see here:

I dont quite now about that your industral layots have always been really good in the untidy clutter look stakes,

Be carful with #28 denver and #240, was in dcc mode was getting a little to fast backing up the incline at the switchback and slowed throttle and then stalled and could not get it to move either way, lost a fair bit of speed easy on the run after that on 2nd run but still made it. Had no trouble with bully boy so thinking its the 8 couple wheels in the tight turns up hill, was ok on 2nd try got up and down ok.

Dont forget to like the video of the orginal as well

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I've uploaded two sessions. More may follow.

The usual preamble:
Freight cars will load or unload when spotted between the yellow track markers. The markers are between the rails and indicate the extremities of interactive tracks.
All industries have the prefix IND. Right clicking on the interactive track will display its name. Or use the map view (Ctrl-M toggles it on/off in Driver) to locate the industries and freight cars.
At switches a red disk facing the driver indicates the switch has been set for the diverging track. If the disk is end on the straight through setting has been set. Ctrl-H will toggle the red/green arrows above the switches on/off. By default red/green is off.
The switch at the entrance to the loop behind the dry sort yard can not be altered by a mouse click on it because the dry sort yard intercepts the mouse cursor. Either use the map view to set the switch or use J / Ctrl-J to set the switch, depending on whether the switch is to the front or rear of the consist.
At the Dry Sort Yard, logs will unload at the south side and load at the north side.
Tasks can be undertaken in any order. You have your instructions, I'd suggest doing some pre-planning to work out movements and cuts. It may save time.
My views about DCC Mode should, by now, be well known. So, once more, driving in Cab Mode is preferable. As as experienced locomotive engineers we will all be using Cab Mode, won't we? In all my videos I use Cab Mode. If I can zoom and pan making the video while driving in Cab Mode I'm sure that you can do just the driving. Just remember that the independent (locomotive) brake is faster acting than the train brake. E toggles the independent brake on/off.​

You can also make up your own Standard Operating Procedures for Engineers. For example:
The locomotive must be at the head of the consist when leaving the plateau to descend the switchback.
Steam locomotives must run smokestack leading.
Speed limits - this is up to you.​

Session 1 -- Ore

It's morning. Your first day working on this short line. You have been allocated one of the little diesel locomotives. You begin at the Hoofhearted Loco Depot.
Chuck and Joe, Yardmaster here. Welcome to our little operation. I hear you have spent time and have excellent references from both the Klozett and the Lilliput railroads. I am sure you will do well here too.
I have given you the ore run this morning.
Over by the dock you will find a consist of three hoppers and two gondolas.
Head up to the plateau and load them at the Mine.
Unload the hoppers at the Ore Dock and the gondolas at the Ore Mill. Leave the cars where they unload.
At the Mine Wharf are boxcars. Load them with bagged ore at the Mill and unload at the Mine Wharf.
Spot the empty boxcars at the Steamship Wharf and return to Loco where we can discuss this morning's operations.
Yardmaster out.

Session 2 -- Logging

Afternoon. Up on the Smelz plateau. You will be driving one of Ben Neal's wonderful steamers - the outside framed Baldwin 2-8-2 Mikado.
Yardmaster here. An afternoon working.
Standing next to the Smelz Freight House are three 32ft skeletons. Load them at Smelz Logging and unload and leave them at the Dry Sort Yard.
Load the two 40ft and two 16ft skeletons at Dry Sort.
Unload and leave the 40ft at the Log Dump and unload the 16ft at the Sawmill.
Reload the 16ft with lumber and leave for unloading at Steamship.
Return to Loco and sign off.

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For those who want to see the "real" model railroad (and please don't compare it with the T:ANE version 'cause it's not possible to replicate the untidiness and clutter of the actual model layout) see here:

....feel like a bit of John Allens Gorre & Daphetid RR.

thx for sessions


Two more sessions

I've uploaded two more sessions.

In both sessions a small popup screen will appear when you enter the session. The screen is a summary of your shift. The screen can be closed by pressing the "Esc" key. It can be viewed again by pressing the F7 key and then choosing the "Toggle session instructions" option.

Session 3 is the supply run where you deliver fuel and equipment.

Chuck and Joe. The resupply run.
Over in the yard you will find a consist of black flats, brown flats and bulkheads.
The Blacksmiths have welded fuel tanks to a frame. Load the fuel tanks onto the bulkheads then fill them with fuel at the Fuel Dock. Leave one each at the Mill and the Mine.
The black flats - load with camp supplies at Miners Supplies, unload at the Mine Store and spot for reloading back at Steamship.
The brown flats - load with log equipment at Steamship Wharf 1 and leave for unloading at the Smelz Logging Spur.
Pick up the loaded 32ft log cars at the Smelz Logging and unload and leave them at the Ore and Log Dock.
Sign off at Loco.
Yardmaster out.

The fourth session is something of an experiment. In all my sessions up until now freight cars will load or unload when spotted at an interactive industry. However, I made an interesting discovery - freight cars can actually be loaded or unloaded by the player anywhere anytime. Some may have seen this video in another thread. It shows the process for loading and unloading the freight cars (full screen / 1080p):

So, in this session you, the locomotive crew, load and unload the cars. The cars have been configured to carry the required commodities. You have to select the correct commodity and then the quantity.

Session 4 is Maintenance of Way, delivering rails, sleepers, and the MoW crew up to the Smelz plateau work site. You will find a truck and the Roadmaster there. Choose where to deposit the materials and leave the caboose (used to transport the MoW crew) at the Smelz Freight House. It will be used as crew hut. Return to Hoofheartd with logs for the sawmill.

Chuck and Joe. Sunday. The MoW crew will be doing work up on the plateau and the Roadmaster is already there.
Some drizzle is forecast but that never stops our dedicated team.
You can take the diesel or the Shay. Your choice.
Over near Steamship you will find a rake of freight cars.
Load the skeletons with rail and the flats with sleepers at MoW.
The gondolas are for loading with tailings from the Mine. We use this as ballast.
Before you depart, pick up the caboose at the Freight House. This has the rest of our MoW crew.
Head up to the plateau. The Roadmaster will give you instructions about unloading the rails, sleepers and ballast.
Leave the caboose, as a crew hut, at the Smelz Freight House, load the skeletons with logs from the Dry Sort Yard and leave the skeletons for unloading at the sawmill.
Spot the empty flats and gondolas back at Steamship.
Sign off at Loco.

Session 4 is something of an experiment. I'd certainly appreciate feedback. If favourable I'll use this method of loading and unloading cars - it's a damn site easier for me if I no longer have to configure industries.

New machine is up and running (thanks for all the good advice to those who helped). TANE is installed but no luck finding this route via CM. Help! ;-)

Edit: 5 minutes later and it shows up fine along with several other items that were not in the search before.

Take care,

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As for today October 25th the route still isn`t in DLS, only the sessions. Where can I download it please?

Best regards
For those who want to see the "real" model railroad (and please don't compare it with the T:ANE version 'cause it's not possible to replicate the untidiness and clutter of the actual model layout) see here:

I definitely was not expecting that huge face to appear about thirty seconds in! :) Perhaps that what Model Railroading needs: an asset that is a big human posed looking down the track; animated blinking eyes would be a plus!