"Wot!" I hear you say. "Didn't this guy upload a couple of narrow gauge toy train layouts just a short while ago?"
Yep. And here is another, "The Hoofhearted & Smelz RRCo".
I've been browsing the Web for a while looking for narrow gauge track plans that are interesting and provide good operating possibilities. I chanced upon this, the "Degulbeef and Cradding":
If you Google "Degulbeef and Cradding" you will find details of the actual model railroad, images, even a youtube video.
Anyway, I thought it had possibilities. The end result is a track plan that is similar but a little different:
I thought that the double spiral would be too much of a challenge in Trainz so I replaced it with a switchback. The port area has also been expanded to include a sawmill. And there are several other changes to add operational interest.
So, here we have it -- "The Hoofhearted & Smelz RRCo" is a narrow gauge railroad that links the small port town of Hoofhearted with the logging area and mine on the Smelz plateau.
The industries on the layout include a logging site, log dump, dry sort yard, sawmill, mine, ore and log dock, ore bagging mill and port. All have interactive industry tracks that can be configured for the loading and unloading of suitable freight cars.
Traffic flows include:
The whole layout fits on one Trainz baseboard, the brick walls in the screen shots are on the perimeter of the baseboard.
As with all my layouts:
A few more screen shotz. This one shows the Hoofhearted port area, the mine on the Smelz plateau on the right with the ore and log dock in the foreground and the log dump on the extreme left:
Here we have the logging area on the left and the ore mill in the foreground:
Yep. And here is another, "The Hoofhearted & Smelz RRCo".
I've been browsing the Web for a while looking for narrow gauge track plans that are interesting and provide good operating possibilities. I chanced upon this, the "Degulbeef and Cradding":

If you Google "Degulbeef and Cradding" you will find details of the actual model railroad, images, even a youtube video.
Anyway, I thought it had possibilities. The end result is a track plan that is similar but a little different:

I thought that the double spiral would be too much of a challenge in Trainz so I replaced it with a switchback. The port area has also been expanded to include a sawmill. And there are several other changes to add operational interest.
So, here we have it -- "The Hoofhearted & Smelz RRCo" is a narrow gauge railroad that links the small port town of Hoofhearted with the logging area and mine on the Smelz plateau.
The industries on the layout include a logging site, log dump, dry sort yard, sawmill, mine, ore and log dock, ore bagging mill and port. All have interactive industry tracks that can be configured for the loading and unloading of suitable freight cars.
Traffic flows include:
Logs from the logging site to the log dump, dry sort yard, ore and log dock and sawmill.
Logs from the dry sort yard to the sawmill.
Lumber from the sawmill to the steamship wharf.
Ore from the mine to the ore dock and bagging mill.
Plant, equipment and supplies from Hoofhearted to the plateau.
The whole layout fits on one Trainz baseboard, the brick walls in the screen shots are on the perimeter of the baseboard.
As with all my layouts:
All content is either built-in to T:ANE or is from the Download Station. But do use Manage Content to check that all dependencies have been captured.
It does tend to follow prototypical practices. The switchstands, for example, are configured so that the red disk shows when the switch is set for the diverging track, so "Help" (the red/green arrows over switches) can be disabled.
It does tend to follow prototypical practices. The switchstands, for example, are configured so that the red disk shows when the switch is set for the diverging track, so "Help" (the red/green arrows over switches) can be disabled.
A few more screen shotz. This one shows the Hoofhearted port area, the mine on the Smelz plateau on the right with the ore and log dock in the foreground and the log dump on the extreme left:

Here we have the logging area on the left and the ore mill in the foreground:

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