New Haven Screenshots

Lets see any New Haven Screenshots. Lets see what you can come up with.
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Ok now i really want to know where you got those passenger cars and more importantly those steam locos.:udrool::mop: Really mazing shots!
ok ok we know you like NH. :hehe: as far as the cars, he made em.

Well, before Magicland gets mad, I "skinned" them :o

The streamliners are skins of cloakedghost's ATSF cars

The heavyweight combine and coach in McGinnis are skins of Magicland's NYC and GN cars

The heavyweight RPO and coach in Pullman Green are skins of foxgraphic's NYC cars

The steamers are skins of euphod's Light Pacific

The cabooses are skins of the symmetrical caboose by fjhorne

The S2 is a skin of gumbytrain's NASA unit

The C425 is a skin of Magicland's PC unit

And a big thanks goes out to Nikos for doing the RS1 for me
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Actually, magicland, I would like your opinion of my skins. I would in fact like to hear what all of the original creators of the above skins think