New Driver Command - Load With


New member
Hi All,

Just wanted to give a heads up on a new driver command I created: Load With

The "Load With" command allows you to choose which product you wish to load, ensuring only the selected product is loaded at the industry.

Example, when pulling in a refinery with some GATX cars, you can load either Diesel Fuel, Aviation Fuel or Petrol. When using the "Load" command on your AI drivers, they would simply load the first available queue, and end up with Diesel fuel. With the "Load With" command, you can specify Aviation or Petrol (or Diesel for that matter) to ensure the cars are loaded with those particular products.

KUID: 526726:100010
DLS Link

Thanks Vanguard11,

really smart...

And just by looking at the LOAD WITH in Driver setup you will also know all the Products you have in/on your session to
Glad to hear it's of use. I haven't been involved in the forums too much, I wasn't sure if this functionality was already implemented and I just wasn't aware of it. There is just so much content out there, it's hard to keep track.

Thanks Vanguard11,

really smart...

And just by looking at the LOAD WITH in Driver setup you will also know all the Products you have in/on your session to

Yeah, my first version (locally) got the product information from the cars attached to the train, so it only showed what the current train was capable of loading. The first time I used my own command in testing, I realized immediately that this functionality was pointless, since it won't work well with the couple commands and other situations where the cars weren't already attached. It didn't work in the scenario editor either... so, now it shows all of the products available in route.
