Need help with installing 2010 Engineers Edition

have you downloaded all the files? if you havnt, id recomend that, if you have, see if you can move them all to the same folder. i had that happen to me too

hope this helps:D:D
Try downloading ALL the files ~THEN ~ running setup.exe as a .bin file is a BINary and you need the EXEcutible to use the data in the BINary.
same issue

I have been trying for three days to get this to install. I have the .EXE file and all of the .BIN files that are listed, but when i runt he >EXE file I keep receiving a message about inserting disk 1. and it is searching for the setup-1a.bin file. I have them on the computer in the exact same folder as the .EXE file but it will not register that they are there.

Any and all suggestions would be fantastic. If you have some please reply or email me at
Firstly, do not put your email address in your posts - unless you want spam (this part of the forum can be viewed by anyone, including spam bots)

Secondly, do make sure you have copied setup.exe and all of the .bin files into the same folder, before running Setup.exe.

Also, if you are running Windows Vista/7, right-click the setup.exe file and choose Run as administrator.

Which drive are you installing to and which drive are the files on. Some people have had trouble installing unless the files were in the same drive as the location that you want trainz. If you are putiin Trainz on D: drive try placing installation files on D: drive. This has worked for some people.