Need help from my fellow Trainzers on this problem


Fellow Trainzer
Hi all. Once again I need your help on fixing a problem that I'm having. As of now, my TC12 with TC2010EE installed as a add on, is running pretty good, I even run alot of older content from
tsr04 and tsr06 (with miner repairs to the config files), but sometimes I run into this issue and I'm having a problem on how to fix this. Most of it is caused by missing texture files. Here is an example.....

X Error: Texture 'waterglass.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh ''.
X Error: Texture 'engine_black.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh ''.
X Error: Texture '30inartic1_body/30inmike.texture' is missing or could not be loaded for mesh '30inartic1_body\'.

Is there a way to fix or some how to replace the missing texture files?
(These are from bdaneal's locomotivs from sudpar porductions)

Thanks Robert
Sometimes a creator will leave in files by accident that they had decided not to use. The PEV tools are great for fixing and viewing content, but sometimes you can open the content in explorer and make the changes manually as well. This gives you a better understanding of what's really going on. Once you determine that the texture files are not required, you can just delete the texture.txt file that is calling for them. Alternatively you can try making a texture file to match the one that is missing. Sometimes these two fixes will not work, and sometimes the PEV tools will not work, (the specgray error in some of Franks (sporbust) 2006 locomotives are a good example).
It all depends on how the model was made, and mapped with the textures.