need help finding a assest


Well-known member
The other day i saw a ver a pac for download somewhere here in the forums, now i cant find it search on this site and download site, and CMP does not show it. Any ideas where it is? thanks. its a auto carrier from the 70's use to haul chevy vegas
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That's a vertical pack auto box car, the autos were shipped standing on there nose and I think someone did make one.
Now to have someone make the asset! These were lemons... my family had two rust in half in the driveway! These cars look good, but the quality was crap!
vertical pack auto box car also needs reversing bogey (Bogey link provided here)

Houston we have a problem, the bogeys work, however there is a problem with Attachment Points (my speculation) as I naive on this type thing, here are 2 photos showing the problem, this is my first time I have seen this happen in T:ANE, could someone advise what I could do to correct it?

Thank you and sorry this turned out like this, I suppose I should have checked it in my T:ANE first before posting......My apologies.

This is site for the 100 Ton Ballast Bogey!

Downloads / Rolling Stock / Ballast Hopper Pack 1

This pack is the one shown in "" for link locations.

Once I downloaded and installed the faulty asset cleared up.
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Wow! If I knew that a car had been shipped standing on its end I would never buy it. Doesn't it damage it?

I wouldn't want a modern unibody construction car that had been treated that way, but back then it was mostly body on chassis frame, which probably could
take the abuse.
yup that's the one I wanted, had to fix a few things and replaced the bogies to get it to show up in railyard, and I see it has problems in game, will have to see tommrow if I have that problem.

As for the real ones they had to remove the battery before the put the car inside as the battery would leak and ruined things, or so I have read anyway.
It looked fine for me in the 2012 version. Did it look that way just on the rail or at a loading dock? if dock which one did you use so I can tray to see if it does the same for me.

Would you like to know more?

(I just brought up your link and that's fascinating, I drove one of these cars a long time ago, would have never guessed it was shipped out that way, thanks for the link)

Actually was just put on the rail to see how it looked after finding another Bogey for it.

I was really surprised it did this, but I have the feeling its got to do somehow with attachment points due to me changing the Bogeys?

I'll double check and see,,, but I'm pretty sure it's just Rail no loading spot.
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The "Vert-a-Pak" cars were developed as a co-operative project between the railroads and General Motors. The Chevy Vegas were designed with the knowledge that they were going to be shipped vertically (nose down), and the automobile was designed with that in mind, so there was no damage due to the method of shipment.

Not sure what bogies I used, will look when I get home and post it here and your can try them to see if it works. if I have time after I get before going to wait in line to get taxs done this afternoon. barely had time today to put it on the tracks to see if it worked for me. It could be that you are running tane and I have the 2012 version might be why.
You can fix this by add the line "position -1.4,10.8,-1.1" in the config file (see pic).


// Erik from Sweden

Hello Eric, the Car itself lines up ok with new Position added, but look at pictures in Grid View, however the Bogeys have slid backwards, crazy, I guess there is another setting for the Bogey's to be added?

If you can post, I'll add to config.txt, this is over my knowledge, thanks for your help!

Oops, my fault, I had forgotten that I had also made an additional fix for the bogeys/trucks and limback/limfront att. points.

I used PEVSofts program "AttchmentMaker" and created a new im.file (I called it "", but you can use whatever name you want) with 4 new attachment points as shown in the pic below.

Then add the im.file to the cars/wagons folder were all the other files are.

After that, you have to add it to the mesh table, but note, it MUST be the first / top of the mesh table in order to work (see pic).

(I have used the same bogeys as Jointed Rail's 89ft Autoracks uses)

Hope this help.


// Erik from Sweden
No worries Sir, I am very green on this, and your help is invaluable here. I will try to do as you have shown and see if I can make it work.........Will let you know.
Need some additional instructions on making Attachements for SP Verta Car

Eric, I'm sorry, I brand new to attachment maker, I opened the program and have 1 box showing, now am I supposed to open SP Verta A Pak in CM and open it within Attachment maker, I don't quite understand this part. In 1-4 pic, is that a file you opened from the Cars Directory?

How did you make that new File for the attachment points, and I will use the name you suggested too.

I understand the part on adding the references in the Config.txt part as I have been fixing my assets and learning some of that over the last month.