Naming Industries in Surveyor


New member
I heard that you can name your own industries when you are creating a route. Does anyone know how you can do that?
Not all industries are renameable but with the ones that are you can right click on the industry and change the name to whatever you want.


I forgot to ask in my initial question how you create industries in your own layout. How do you create them to begin with?
You create industries in G-max.
You install existing industries in Surveyer the same way you install any other scenery item, except you also need to connect the track to it.
What are you trying to do?

:cool: Claude
creating and naming industries in surveyor

I am trying to write my real initial questions, what is G-max and what do you mean by installing existing routes in surveyor. Can you answer that for me?
I am trying to write my real initial questions, what is G-max and what do you mean by installing existing routes in surveyor. Can you answer that for me?

Tokkyu40 mentioned "EXISTING INDUSTRIES", such as an interactive one like COALMINE. You can then change its' name to yours. EXISTING ROUTES are the default ones in Surveyor, plus any you have downloaded from the download station, and of course, any that you have created. I dont know G-Max either. NOT YET.:'(