As some will know a while ago i was doing the whole of Northern Ireland Railways from distant Glasgow. Then I decided to go further from the end of the cross border line just south of Newry. I then laid track all the way to where Dublin would eventually be so that Enterprise Express trains from Belfast-Dublin could be part of the thing. It was a challenge doing what is left of rail in NI but added this further mountain. In the process, I made after a lot of thought to start building scenery from Dublin north so I would not be too put off this added dimension.
So far I have completed scenery all the way to Drogheda and the start of the Navan Branch (be added later). The Howth Branch is done and all the scenery. I have included the link to my Northern Ireland Railway Trainz site and if you look down the left hand menu you wil see "Dublin" and some 89 pictures in the slideshow on that page. There a small selection of Dublin pics out of sequence and appear in the Howth branch pics but there we are! The start of the Howth Branch pictures start with the picture of a train on the curved platform at Howth Junction station.
When you watch the slides which take about 10 secs each you may, I hope, come to realise why this big Irish thing is taking so long! There are parts of Dublin to catch up on including around Connolly and other bits but for now the slog north if the main thing. So now surf to my site and see the IR extension work folks (!)
Feel free for your comments and I hope it is thought worth the big climb.
So far I have completed scenery all the way to Drogheda and the start of the Navan Branch (be added later). The Howth Branch is done and all the scenery. I have included the link to my Northern Ireland Railway Trainz site and if you look down the left hand menu you wil see "Dublin" and some 89 pictures in the slideshow on that page. There a small selection of Dublin pics out of sequence and appear in the Howth branch pics but there we are! The start of the Howth Branch pictures start with the picture of a train on the curved platform at Howth Junction station.
When you watch the slides which take about 10 secs each you may, I hope, come to realise why this big Irish thing is taking so long! There are parts of Dublin to catch up on including around Connolly and other bits but for now the slog north if the main thing. So now surf to my site and see the IR extension work folks (!)
Feel free for your comments and I hope it is thought worth the big climb.