Moved Threads

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Hello, all.

What's with all of the moved threads all of a sudden? They're really starting to clutter up the General Trainz page, and it's a pain trying to navigate around them.

I think you got it wrong; the post belong somewhere else started to clutter the General Forum :p.

Okay, let me write a slightly more serious reply with my moderator head on:

/ moderator mode
In the past there were hardly any moderators and some simply didn't bother to move topics. As a result, people started to develop the habit of simple dumping everything in General, even some that perfectly knew it belongs elsewhere.
This results that topic of people who did post in the right section get less attention then they deserve :(. Plus it also does not help if people use the "additional options" under search to search in the right section, they would not find the answer as it is hiding in the wrong forum. I know, "who uses search anyway", but still.

This area can be used for topics of discussion that don't quite fit into the numerous other forums within the Trainz Discussion Forums.
So if a topic does perfectly fit in another forum, it should be posted in another forum.
If people would post their threads in the right section from the start, there would be no moving. Easy as that ;) .

When I am move a thread, I leave the "reference" (that "moved" ghost topic) on a timer. Most of them disappear in a week (I leave some of them slightly longer if from less active forum visitors). I have been moving topics since I became a moderator 4 weeks ago; If you take a look at the pages on the General forum that have the topics of 2 weeks ago you hardly see any "moved" topics.

Hope that explains.
/ end moderator mode

Let me finish with a tip written as a fellow forum user:
If you are (like me) mainly interested in the new topics or topics that got a reply, you could also use this link:
It shows an overview of the topics made in the last 24 hours (without those "moved" things, so you don't have to navigate around them). You can find this link in the 2nd menu bar at the top under "Quick Links". If you are done reading the topics you are interested in, you can find a "Mark Forum Read" option under the "Forum Actions" menu.

Hope that helps :) .
Hi everybody.
At a guess training people to post in the right place to start with?

I find it a great pity that N3V did not install the level of discipline on themselves when they where in the process of producing T:ane as they are now doing with their forum members and customers. Perhaps had that discipline been in place Hot-fixes and patches would not have been so obviously necessary on retail release day and many would have received an application that was much more usable or even playable.

Those of us who have been long term supporters of the Trainz franchise but have not purchased T:ane due to all the "bugs" we read of, would also have Trainz New Era by now.

Discipline works both ways and every person or organization should practise what they preach.

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I find it a great pity that N3V did not install the level of discipline on themselves when they where in the process of producing T:ane as they are now doing with their forum members and customers.
To bad those things have hardly anything to do with eachother as the majority of the moderators are volunteers, not employees of N3V. Plus moving topics to the correct location is trying to be helpful, not trying to "discipline" or punish people. If it has the side effect of learning people to post in the right section from the start, that's just a nice side effect.

Please don't blow things out of proportion or get things involved in this topic that hardly have anything to do with eachother.
To bad those things have hardly anything to do with eachother as the majority of the moderators are volunteers, not employees of N3V. Plus moving topics to the correct location is trying to be helpful, not trying to "discipline" or punish people. If it has the side effect of learning people to post in the right section from the start, that's just a nice side effect.

Please don't blow things out of proportion or get things involved in this topic that hardly have anything to do with eachother.

They work under the authority of the N3V management do they not as it is their forum. Therefore the moderators are part of the N3V structure both Physically and legally. And the two topics are very much linked to each other in my humble opinion.

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More off-topic? O well...

The moderators (with the exception of Zec) are volunteers and have absolutely nothing to do with the work discipline of the paid programmers. Zec does (as far as I know) helpdesk, forum and customer support and is not involved in programming.
So your comment about hot-fixes and patches are totally not related moving topics (or to forum moderation in general).

The forum moderators are in no way to blame for actions (or lack there of) of N3V, with maybe the exception of Zec as he actually is employee. The day that changes, is the day I will no longer be moderator of this forum.
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