Modeling Trainz 2004


New member
I guess this is the right place for this, i recently reinstalled TRS 2004 and i wish to learn to make stuff for it, can anyone point me to websites/guides that can help me learn how to make and reskin things? for now i want to make simple things like buildings but i would like to learn to make engines/ rolling stock/ foliage and advanced buildings(turntables and things like that).

A bit off topic but if anyone knows of any good sites with lots of 1920-1960s era stuff, Steam, Diesel, Rolling stock, Buildings and roads i would really like to know. I havent had much luck looking on the web and at 4kbps the DLS is a little outta the question for large amounts of stuff.

Thx in advanced

(Edit i have been using the DLS)
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A first class ticket, will aleiviate the 4kb/s speed restriction, they've available (cheaply, I might add) from the Auran online shop. As for 'creating' things, a vast majority of content is created in Gmax. You can do basic reskinning (with the original Author's permission, if you intend to display screenshots/upload it), using Paintshed which comes with TRS2004, and built-in to CMP in TRS2006.
thanks for the reply, i have Gmax and the trainz pack for it, i was thinking about the firstclass ticket but i dont want to pay for it then not use it. what i ment by reskinning is that i want to Weather items, make them look more realistic.

iv been serching the net and have found a few tutorials on modeling but what im wanting to do now is make a backbord spline, i am wanting to use TRS to make model like layouts and haveing these huge bords make it dificult to keep that layout look.

is there a way to shrink the bords down so there not as big?
Yes I know a place!

You asked "if anyone knows of any good sites with lots of 1920-1960s era stuff, Steam, Diesel, Rolling stock, Buildings and roads i would really like to know. i havent had much lock looking on the web and at 4kbps the DLS is a little outta the question for large amounts of stuff." Yes I know a place, the DLS. There are over 16,000 buildings and structures, 3400+ Locos, 5800+ Trackside accessories etc. etc. Because you time is more important than 4kbps, I really think you are missing a sure thing with the FCT. At $9.99 per year (less than 3 cents a day!) it's a total steal.

Ya, I've been using the DLS its just a bit slow, I've already DLed every American style steamer there is (there are not very meny just a ton of reskins).

I dont really like Euro engines so i dont DL them. The onely Steamers i have found on the web so far have been payware and i dont do payware. guess im outta luck.

...guess im outta luck.

I guess so. It sounds as though you have all the free engines that are available. Keep looking for tutorials, you'll find something. I used Tafweb's Bank tutorial to get started. There is also the LEARNING CENTER found in the COMMUNITY menu at the DOWNLOAD STATION. It has a bunch of tutorials including one for a simple loco.
