Missing kuid<kuid:69953:74>.


New member
I have an unknown kuid (<kuid: 69953:74>) for a septa car, I think it's a bogie or something but not sure, anyone know where to find it?

The creator is connyxy. If it isn't on the DLS then you ain't gonna find it. She made stuff available on her website but it has been gone for more than a decade. She was notorious for posting images of stuff like Amtrak equipment that was on the site and then if one person said something negative about it, she would take the whole site down for months.
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It is Coach Bogey Silver. Available on the wayback despite all the lousy lawyers of the world.
Hello all ,

If you're looking for any of my old models, please let me know here in the forum and I'll see what I can do.

Best regards


You gotta have thick skin when you make free stuff for this community. There's a lot of rivet-counters out there.

yes, I am that, is my Kuid.But the original is from VinnyBarb.

Send me a PM and I'll email what you need.

At my age, I don't react to riveting anymore. If you don't like it, just let it be, it's that simple :)



wreeder , Yes, that's only partially true, back then people often criticized things instead of trying it themselves, then you just had to pull the ripcord so that calm could return. Besides, I was young and very stressed at work, it was a long time ago :)
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