Missing dependencies


New member
At present i am having an awful time downloading items from the download station, 1) all the items are saying cannot find URL to download/ cannot find item in download station so i have limited items which is quite boring when playing the simulator, also 2) I'm having to go into content manager to download items manually because when i try to download items directly from download cart nothing happens.. Do i need to uninstall? or is there a simple solution to this? :(:(:(:(
For number 1, have you got an active First Class Ticket? If so, it may be that the assets you are trying to download aren't actually on the Download Station.

For number 2, the Download Cart feature is buggy at best and requires the correct file association for trainz:// links.

I've no first class ticket... In the past i've just selected locomotives/rolling stock etc and theyve all pilled up in the download cart and i've just hit download... Now nothing works, since everything's i cant seem to do anything, the old version of download station was alot easier to use.
That definitely sounds like a file association issue although not having a FCT may not be helping if you've only got the versions showing on your timeline.

For the file association issue, try running Content Manager at least once as administrator if you are using Windows Vista or later (this can be done by right-clicking the Trainz shortcut and using Run as Administrator).
