Ok, I'm trying to build a super route using DEM, prebuilt routes, and flat baseboards. The route will go from Philly to Orlando, using Farejoint's NEC and maybe the other NEC on the Wash DC end plus the Philly to Wilmington route with DEM merged between Perryville, MD and Wilmington. South of Wash either DEM or flat baseboards all the way to Florence, SC then DEM to past Savannah, GA then flat baseboards to the Jacksonville to Orlando DEM. It's just for my own personal use to drive Amtrak trains on. What is the best method to measure distances when using flat baseboards? The mile stick, and using internet maps to measure distance from point A to point B? Like using the map to measure distance between two points, then applying the distance to Trainz. If point A to point B is 31 miles straight on the map, then in Trainz I will place 31 mile sticks on flat baseboards to get a somewhat accurate distance. Doesn't have to be perfect.