Massive Corruption of Contents TRS19

I have been building a route for about 12 months and was almost finished basic work. Last update was Version 106291 a Gold member product.

I have had no updates since and suddenly I have literally hundreds of errors that have decimated my route.

Errors (Starting from the top) include:

Unknown Asset Base, Missing Dependencies IN RED Kuid 447264:1005
23 items (In Black) Object name Built-in Various Kuids No message multiples exist in each dependencies item showing Installed from DLS, Faulty (in RED)
Cattaraugus Creek & Lake Erie.... Multiple Items Installed from DLS, Faulty (In RED)
Seven(7) more same issue . . . . ..
Over 500 items (mainly rolling stock) Error Installed from DLS, Faulty in RED When I list dependencies no errors shown !
5 Items Installed Payware No error shown (NOT in RED) list Dependencies Each list of dependencies shows a different error (IN RED) Modified, Faulty
28 Items Listed as Modified (In Black) show no errors
34 Items shows with name Default (In BLACK) No errors Listing dependencies shows no errors either
Over 200 Items (Shown in RED) as Modified, Faulty AGAIN no errors shown in Listed Dependencies
Another 20 + Items (IN RED) listed as Modified, Missing Dependencies No errors
4 Items (In BLACK) Modified Payware (In Black) no errors shown these are some of my modules and some others like Legacy of the Burlington Northern v2 etc.

NOTE: Even tho they show no errors obvious they still appear in the FAULTY list of Content Manager

The point is I have done no work on this since the update until yesterday when I did a FAULTY lisat to see an errors before doing another backup

I am continually frustrated by an ongoing battle to keep contents clean, to the point where I am unable to continue with my 12 month old route as it is unusable riddled with errors. However when I restores my last backup (Also done after the most recent update ) is also had some errors (but not as many) whereas the previous backup was done and is clean but does mean I will lose a significant amount of work.

I don't have time to action every one of over 600 errors in the content right now that was not there before the most recent spate of patches.

I did try a database rebuild but that made no difference !

Work done since the last backup has not got any errors but many of the modules that make up that route (before being merged into one new version Currently v14) are damaged, I do not How !

Suggestions Please (and I already have one . . . . . GIVE UP . . . . .. so I don't need that suggestion . . . Just Joking:'( !

I do find the continuing fragile nature of the Contents folder not only bewildering but also extreme wasteful of my time. Why is it so?
Errors (Starting from the top) include:

Unknown Asset Base, Missing Dependencies IN RED Kuid 447264:1005
The item you mention '<kuid:447264:1005> Achievement Variable updater for Driver Achievements' has '<kuid:-3:10091>' and '<kuid:-3:11060>' as dependencies. If either of these these dependencies is corrupted or missing or has been replaced by a faulty version then that would explain a lot of the other errors. <kuid:-3:11060> in particular has been the subject of various issues.
List some specific kuid numbers and what faults they have. If not, it's pretty meaningless to anyone wanting to assist by checking those same kuids on their own systems.
I think the key here is "Modified". If you have imported payware or builtin items using a .cdp then you have effectively removed the textures from that content making it all faulty.

I would select all the Modified items > Open for Edit, > Revert to Original. This will reinstall the previously non-faulty content.

It would be good to know what steps led to the problem occurring as that might be something we can work on improving feedback for.
I think the key here is "Modified". If you have imported payware or builtin items using a .cdp then you have effectively removed the textures from that content making it all faulty.

I would select all the Modified items > Open for Edit, > Revert to Original. This will reinstall the previously non-faulty content.

It would be good to know what steps led to the problem occurring as that might be something we can work on improving feedback for.

Hi Tony,

Examples below:

1. The items listed above "Over 500 items (mainly rolling stock) Error Installed from DLS, Faulty in RED When I list dependencies no errors shown !"
are all noted as Installed from DLS, and do not show the option to Revert to original There are hundreds of them involved !

2. Cattaruagus Creek & Lake Erie is listed as Installed from DLS also the dependencies listed in RED are all "Installed from DLS" but don't show any error s, why is it in Faulty category? And also do not show a revert to original option.

3. One versions of my Route I mentioned above is listed as Modified but has no errors except one SD9 Purchase from Jointed Rail and was repainted by them they were installed by CDP but Revert does nothing.

4. Items listed in Faulty with the description from above "Over 200 Items (Shown in RED) as Modified, Faulty AGAIN no errors shown in Listed Dependencies" do have a revert to Original but also don't do anything when revert is selected

5. Legacy of the Burlington Northern is listed as Modified, Payware and again Revert to original does nothing.

6. Legacy of the Burlington Northern V2 is also listed as Installed Payware and I suspect was a Gold route downloaded. kuid 506034:100013:2 and then later down the list as kuid 296251:102125 and Kuid 296251:102935 Not sure where these even came from

7. Some listed items are the modules that were used in my route but from old versions that were not merged into the route, and are old ones since deleted and include errors such as PRR 100 Ton Hopper Kuid 156765:100747:1 which is listed as Installed from DLS, Faulty and also does not show a revert option.

8. There are some unknown assets such as
kuid 156765:220013 which causes some of my modules to have an error
kuid 465961:100250 & kuid 965961:100207 in Approach Medium's Dayton & Troy which I think came from Jointed Rail but not sure

9. Example of rolling stock NS G72 Gondola Kuid2 156765:101478:1 is listed as Installed from DLS, Faulty (IN RED) but dependencies list shows no missing or error items

I have randomly selected several items that had a Revert option but none work.

Note there are literally hundreds of these errors listed in the Faulty filter, I cannot possible try to fix these individually.

I hope these random selected errors help with identifying a possible reason and/or remedy method
9. Example of rolling stock NS G72 Gondola Kuid2 156765:101478:1 is listed as Installed from DLS, Faulty (IN RED) but dependencies list shows no missing or error items
When you right-click and choose View Errors and Warnings what errors or warnings are listed?

I have randomly selected several items that had a Revert option but none work.
Do you mean that you were not able to revert to original, or do you mean that after they reverted to original they were still listed as faulty?

Note there are literally hundreds of these errors listed in the Faulty filter, I cannot possible try to fix these individually.
It is unlikely that you will need to fix hundreds of assets individually. The most likely result is that a small number of fixes will fix a large number of assets.
Thanks for your helpful comments SailorDan,

Point 1 No, I meant when I right click and look at options, no Revert message is available.

Point 2 When you mention the errors & warnings option, it has messages , 3 errors & 3 warnings, none that make any sense to me, and relate to compiling the asset.
Errors & Warnings

The rolling stock objects seem to have a missing asset kuid 45324:555201.1 but varies from item to item, not common
and another error is more than 500 polygons on a low-detail mesh and the asset is obsolete. None of which I can address, so fixing these 500 or so items seems unlikely with my current experience . . .or lack of it !

Point 3 Yes I know what you mean, and agree that may be likely, but cannot find any clue as to what is wrong.
Trying opening the file in Edit, then re-submit it from that point. There are 2 files in Content Vault with a :460 after it. WHen I installed them I had 1100 faulties. A lot of them were missing the same file and it cleaned up in about 30 minutes.
Your "kuid 45324:555201.1" (fixed to <kuid2:45324:555201:1>

Shows this on TKI.

Built-in assets

TANE (release reference : version 4.3, service pack SP1, build 80349)
<kuid2:45324:555201:1> : Jointed Rail Settings library v 0.5

This asset is built into T:ANE and does not exist in TRS19. I know because I checked there first myself.
Point 1 No, I meant when I right click and look at options, no Revert message is available.
If an item is showing in Content Manager as Open for Edit and you cannot select one of the Revert options then that is a fault in the database. If you have tried a database rapair and it was not fixed then you should report it to the helpdesk for their attention.

Point 2 When you mention the errors & warnings option, it has messages , 3 errors & 3 warnings, none that make any sense to me, and relate to compiling the asset.
Errors & Warnings

Then that's what you need to address - nothing to do with faulty dependencies. Warnings can be ignored, but errors must be fixed. It is likely that when you find and install that missing asset a large number of rolling stock will suddenly be OK again. <kuid2:45324:555201:1> is available at

Point 3 Yes I know what you mean, and agree that may be likely, but cannot find any clue as to what is wrong.
Each error message has help attached. There is also a comprehensive list here. The descriptions might be a bit technical so if you want assistance with any of those errors just ask, but be sure to quote the exact error message and the KUID of the asset - not abbreviated or summarised.
Thanks to all who made suggestions, most of which did help.

I have managed to get the errors down to just a couple of hundred, many have unknown and/or obsolete or missing dependencies that I cannot resolve. But I will continue to research this as time permits.

Thanks everyone
Thanks to all who made suggestions, most of which did help.

I have managed to get the errors down to just a couple of hundred, many have unknown and/or obsolete or missing dependencies that I cannot resolve. But I will continue to research this as time permits.

Thanks everyone

You probably have even less than you see. I recommend creating a Missing Dependencies filter and eliminate Faulty from that. This will then only show who is missing stuff rather than just faulty. If you want, and I find this helpful too, create a faulty-only filter. With this you will see just whose broken and not missing.

With just the faulty, you might find that you only have a dozen truly faulty assets which are affecting a whole lot of routes. The same with missing dependencies. You may only have two missing dependencies which affect a whole lot of things there too. I think seeing everything mushed together is too confusing.