Marta CQ312 reskin to DC Metrorail

That is the bomb! Those stations look awsome! If their is one thing though, could you make the platforms on the outside and touching the wall, and when on the inside, could have the platforms side by side?
I hope to put in platforms and various other items at some point. They will probably be seperate objects for the most part so they can be put together differently to form the various stations. I'll have to see what works best.
I will probably do an outdoor station or at least make a platform that could be built into an outdoor station. I may or may not do some of the later design underground stations. I am going to see if I can get some cross section drawings so I can get the current station more accurate. I won't have the drawings for every single station though.

Does anyone know who I can talk to about making passenger stations with working platforms?
I've got the station vault walls pretty close to correct now. Now to get the platforms and everything else built.

Will be perfect for my Red Line, now I can go beyond Union Station in the direction of Bethesda and Shady Grove!!

On a side note though, possibly the platforms would look a little more realistic if the red was toned down a bit. Also, there are no white Elevators in the underground stations as far as I'm aware. They are all brown.
Trust since I put a lot of effort into "fixing" them so they all work they way they should,I will keep bootin him in the behind.......And worst comes to worst I'll even ask Jaleel for him if he can release them.
The trains are about done, but I've been busy with other things. Still a few little things to do. They will be released soon.

Yellow Line train to Mount Vernon Square
Next Stop L'Enfant Plaza

I t would be awesome if someone could make some fo the monuments that are in DC:udrool:
Sorry to Hijack thread but I think it could help with the route;)
I may try to model some of the monuments and buildings myself. I made a Pentagon model which you can see in the screenshots. Any help would be appreciated, though.

I could use some help on my Metro Station models from someone who has done work on stations with attached track, passenger scripting, and splines. Anyone know how to make a script to make platform edge lights that flash when a train is approaching?
DC Metro Extras...


Has your Metrorail station(the vaulted ceiling, etc.) been released yet?
It looks nice. Could I beta test for it? And if you have anything else DC metro to test, I'd be glad to help! just

Isaac Grove

Has your Metrorail station(the vaulted ceiling, etc.) been released yet?
It looks nice. Could I beta test for it? And if you have anything else DC metro to test, I'd be glad to help! just

Isaac Grove

No, all I have is a section of the vault, and a very preliminary platform that I think I forgot to save as a gmax file and forgot to center properly in gmax. I think I really need a set of platforms that are attached to the track, after trying to piece things together manually inside a ditch. I will need some expert advice or help on that though. I haven't even started trying to build a mezzanine level yet.
is it possible to convert Google Earth sketchup files to Trainz? I think every monument in DC has been created for it.

There is supposedly a way (but it requires commercial modeling software such as the full version of 3DS Max).

I don't know if using the models from 3D Warehouse/Google sketchup is ok, even if they do allow redistribution of derivative works. Although it states users must release their models under these terms it doesn't specifically state that all models are released to the users under these terms. It does state that models cannot be distributed packaged together and can't be used in other mapping programs, but other then that it doesn't list much in the way of restrictions. It also doesn't say if the same terms would apply to content created by Google, which the majority of the DC buildings are. It's a pretty badly written doucument.
If I was doing this I would screw the document no matter what is said. Whos gunna know or care if these make it into Trainz. Thats just me though.

It may be ok to do, but I don't have $500 for Sketchup Pro and $1000+ for 3ds Studio Max. You need Sketchup Pro to export the file to 3DS.