I've seen a few screenshots on the forum of people making prototypical routes by laying track on a map which is "painted" on the board. Could anyone tell me how this is done?
Until recently I never looked in earnest into Google Maps or their counterparts as discussed in that other thread. In the meantime (work in progress ) I have found out how these kind of maps are structured and also what the map projection is: Mercator, like on a nautical chart. This implicates varying scale with latitude, even if the map size and zoom level remains constant. Therefore I suggest to process such maps with care. Same for orthophotos via Google Maps. Google Earth, on the other hand, maintains constant scale for constant "eye altitude".
Once again, the typical external tools for building DEM- and map/orthophoto-based prototypical routes are HOG (with MicroDEM), MapMaker, or Basemaps, all of them freeware, and TransDEM which is payware.
Is there anyway of doing this for UTC, or am I limited to my current method of just creating a new 'scenary' object in GMax (generally a 500m flat square!) and adding the map as a texture as if I were making a genuine scenary object?