Lost Content?


Happy with the one Star >
I've managed to replace most of the content I lost when my HD crashed. But there are a couple of things that I cant find again on the DLS. Hopefully somebody will recognise what I am trying to describe and give a clue as to what to search for or perhaps even the KUID if I'm really lucky.

Rusty TEA Tankers.
I've downloaded Eldavo's TEA Tankers. But I'm certain I had two very rusty versions, but I can't find them on the DLS.

Loco Traversers
I used to have two different Loco Traversers that I thought were content that came with the TRS04 software. But I've searched Surveyor and the DLS but cant find them. I thought they came under the 'Australia' region for some reason?

Tank Wagon Unloader
I'm going to provide a completely inadequate description of this item because I don't know what you would call it! Basically it's a double track over head Gantry for unloading Fuel/Chemical Tankers.

Do any of those descriptions ring a bell with anybody?

Hello Chris, there is a TDA generic tanker of eldavo's on the DLS, is the tanker you're after British / European or American can u remember ?? There is a rusty bitumen tanker on the DLS somewhere, can't remember the kuid number, but when you go into surveyor with eldavo's tankers some of them appear to be rusty and weathered in appearance, all depends how many you have in your consist. My only other thought is if it came from a 3rd party site.
I know bendorsey did an unloader, but I thought it was more for coal and iron ore rather than fuel, sorry matey....

Cheerz. ex-railwayman. :wave:

For the TEA Tankers, try the UKTrainz Forum and the thread titled "TEA 100ton Tankers". This may be of use. Don't know about the other items sorry!

aka chrisw27:)
The TEA tankers are controlled by the chameleon livery system library, so you can choose what state to have them in in surveyor.

I haven't heard of the other ones though, sorry!

I think Chris is correct actually, the Rusty Tankers I'm on about came from a third party site and downloaded them from a link on the UKTrainz forum.

I've got some more content I'm missing as well now. Isn't it typical, you have content for years and never use it....and then, as soon as you lose it, you find a place for it a route ya building!

The first is a Elevated Rail Support for the NYC subway system. Now, there is a spline with that name on the DLS, and I have that. But the item I'm after is a normal scenary item.

The other items are a series of Gas Cylinders for welding etc (Oxy-something). I'm certain these were french, hence the reason a DLS search doesn't find anything.

Any idea's?
Hello Chris, do you mean Oxyacetylene....:hehe:

I've had a look on the French websites I know, but cannot find anything, sorry...

Have you tried looking on TARL as well ??

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.