Looking unto the future (directed towards those with railroad work experience)


Trainz videographer

I have always wanted to be a railroad engineer. You know, the guys who drive the big multi-mile-long metal monsters.

I am a freshman in high school,
but I was looking ahead at how to get a job on the railroad. I have a couple questions.

1.) What would be the best North American Railroad to work for in terms of conditions and benefits?

2.) what would be the requirements to apply for the job, let alone, have a chance?

your help is greatly appreciated

future engineer, Aaron (Truemac):wave:
You could apply to UP, but be sure you're not even five seconds late to the hiring session.

Jack*** that ran the thing lied to my face in front of the whole class..."Sorry, but you're 20 minutes late. You can't join us now." Clocks on both ends of the room that EVERYONE can see saying that I'm 2 minutes late PLUS he was just introducing himself as I walked in...
Being a Senior in High School next year, I've already talked to the manager of the shortline nearby about working for the railroad. From what I've gathered, you have to wait until you're 18 to work for a railroad on the books, and don't expect to get to engineer right away. I've already been invited to work as conductor for a non-proffit (no pay) road, which will look good on a resume for when I do apply for a major road. So my advice to you is to look around and don't be afraid to make phone calls, hell, my meeting with the shortline head got me a free employee shirt.

Best of luck to you!!!
