Looking for the Rules


New member
Had to reinstall not too long ago and I lost many of the rules I found useful. Can't seem to find them on a search with 'rules' as a keyword when searching the DLS. Can't even find good ol' 'Uncouplez'.
Anyone got a good keyword I can use?

have you tried searching using 'rule' as the keyword under Description instead of title even though using 'rule' under title should bring you quite a few.

Check which version you of trainz you are looking for. I checked all versions and got 37 hits using 'rule' as the keyword under title and 308 hits using 'rule' as the keyword under description.

I think your problem is that your keyword is 'rules'. You should drop the 's'
Hope this helps.
Doh....thanks Mike. Didn't even occur to me to try it under description.
Too much time spent staring bleary-eyed at library computer screens I think!
