"what's it called now, ermmm....free publicity??"
Blood oath, cobber.
Goes back to that "2007 Route Building Competition". Remember that?
I put my heart, soul and then some into "PortSwitchingCo". Sweated blood to get it just right. Nice little multi-level route with heaps of operating potential, good frame rates, AI trainz that behave, ... .
Then some Pommy comes up with another route, something like "Crew". All passenger trains. Stutters like hell too, so I've been told. And when will those Pommys realize REAL railroading is all about freight?
Crew was in TRS2006, so being a '04 Luddite I couldn't run it anyway.
Goddam it, he won the competition !~! He must have rung round and got all his mates to vote for him. I almost gave up on Trainz at that stage - miserable so-and-so's over here refuse to recognize "quality" and vote for me, so I'll just bugger off back to MSTS.
Got my own back since though. I've been publicizing Port Switching like hell and got it up to almost 9,000 downloads. Meanwhile Crew is stuck at just over 2,500. Who's laughing now?
(The above is said in jest. That little session is actually fun. It demonstrates much of what is good in Trainz.)