Looking for "interactive" routes.


Steam Forever
Does anyone know any good interactive routes? I recently bought Trainz 2012 on steam during the summer sales to replace my copy that I had lost and I've been looking for something new to run my trains on. Thinking something along the lines of the old tidewater point route in 2006 (I do have the updated 2012 version, Maple Creek Branch). Basically looking for something of decent size, that has industries that need to be supplied by rail, like a power plant needing coal from the coal mine which also needs fuel from the oil fields, etc etc.

Anyone know of anything good? I've downloaded a couple routes but nothing has been quite what I'm looking for.
I suggest you search for any routes by MSGSapper and start downloading.

If you prefer to keep your downloads to a minimum and can live with a bit less quality than MSGSapper, try my Standard12 project route. Comes with a bunch of scenario's and even achievements.

The above routes should keep you busy for a few days :hehe:.
Search with "philskene" as the author. Routes and sessions. Make sure you go for the TS12 versions.

If you are interested in a longish industrial interactive route "IndustRail" just might be the one for you:



Or "Trinity Bay".

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