Looking for a variety of items


33 Year Old Railfan
I'm looking for some Swiss railroad crossings for a route I found on the wayback machine, specifically the crossings like those found on the Rhaetische Bahn, or RhB for short, specifically the Bernina Line, Albula Line, and Landquart-Thusis Line, though generic Swiss railroad crossings will also do.
If anyone can help me find these items, I'd appreciate it.
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No, you are not alone out there. Don't have an answer for you. I have travelled those lines several times in my life, and I can't say they are any different to what you may see in Italy alpine regions. I also believe that someone have made Swiss layouts, and they may have what you are looking for. Do a search on the Swiss part of this forums looking for routes. I vaguely recall someone making the Albula line time ago..
Thanks for the tips. I also need some help finding some Swiss signals, as the signals are missing for the Standard Gauge line leaving the station in Chur.
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