Local Route


I've been wondering what the name of my local route. It goes through New Haven, CT, East Haven, CT, and the most I've seen it of is at New York City. I've been to the station at New Haven, and seen a few EMUs. And I've seen a yard somewhere on the highway. Seen the mainline along the highway, too. And I've seen the Acela Express there. It's an electric railroad. Also seen it in Bridgeport. Right now I'll just suppose it's Amtrak.
I live in Hamden, Connecticut.
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That's actually an interesting question. I looked it up on Yahoo maps, and it's a bit of a tangle.
The New York, New Haven & Hartford runs up through Bridgeport to the Housatonic river where it splits, the Metro North line running along the river, and Csxt continuing on to New Haven where it splits again, with Amtrak running north. The Cxst splits again before turning north to rejoin the Amtrak line as the Providence & Worchester heads NE to Middletown.
Meanwhile, Amtrak also splits off as it leaves New Haven, with the new line looping around 180 degrees to head south to East Haven and Branford.
The yard seems to belong to Cxst, although Amtrak probably also uses it.

:cool: Claude
For $30 Roundtrip you can asses the situation of all of the stations and yards of spend ages on Goggle Earth and trying to find Yellow Lines along the RR Tracks.
CSX NS and Conrail mostly run on the NEC.
i say because of your area yes CSX does own the yard. my yard for exmaple is owned by CSX but Amtrak uses it a lot. i see many Amtrak cars in the yard.
you pretty much live in North Haven as it shows on google earth. tip PVincent342: go to the side bar under layers uncheck everything except transportation. under that encheck everything except RR. go out. the rail lines should be black lines on the map. for eariser access go back in the side bar and hit populated places check all of them. hit boarders and check all of them. thats my settings.
Claude indeed you are correct. the lines splits tons of times in North Haven and all around it. it would in my mind be a nightmare to model that line i would never do it.
but thats all i see anyway!
yea thats what i ment.
the lines are so confusing to follow i gave up. your area is a big screwed up track mess.