Just a Thought


join 1-1-2005
Just a thought! With Auran Troubles would you be willing to pay a little for a CD that would fix some our problems if not all. Along with Linking all visions together? This would help US/(me&you) and help Auran. If they can get back on there feet maby they will add more to the simm then making a new vision of trainz. I love what I got and don't want another vision of the same thing like TC has turned out,only Auran can fix this for us. If its takes 5/10 $ for a C D wouldn't it be worth it not to have all the problems? I know that we payed good money for the game but its a good game and the best on the market. We can make rolling stock,layouts all most anything we want but not fix what we need fix only Auran can do that for us. Let me and Auran know what your thoughts are and if you think this will help? I like most people don't have a lot of money but I would pay $10 for a C D that would fix only a few of the problems. I don't know anybody at Auran so this is my Owen thoughts. Just would like to get the game to work the way it was interned to do. We need this to work properly.

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My thoughts are that everybody should start using '04. It is a fine game where you can build routes, make assets, and do most anything you want.
I'm not spending another dime on this thing when '04 does everything I want it to do WITHOUT any CMP to deal with.
'06 and TC hold nothing new to spend any money on, IMHO. I'm not paying for updates and upgrades.

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