JR multi Industry not loading every car in consist


I set up these hoppers (via their config) to be able to accept Iron Ore, and the JR Multiple Industry thing to produce Iron Ore. Obviously i'm missing something, because this doesn't work entirely. The Multiple Industry produces plenty of Ore, and all the rolling stock are 100% the same type, but they just keep cocking up! If i back off of the industry entirely and stop back on it again, nothing happens

Here's a video demonstrating this issue: https://vimeo.com/193117350
I had same problem with load or unload entirely consist.
I checked that OFF.
Now everything is ok.

Just try to load one by one.
Train moves slowly over the industry track.

I had same problem with load or unload entirely consist.
I checked that OFF.
Now everything is ok.

Just try to load one by one.
Train moves slowly over the industry track.

I want to use that,though, that's the entire point of it being there. When i tell a driver to drive to the track and load, it doesn't coast through, it stops for each individual hopper to load, and with a 200+ car train full of iron, that takes quite a bit of time.

Edit: Just tested, and rolling slowly over the industry doesn't even load them, they -have- to be stopped. I'm curious why built-in assets weren't checked to make sure they work as intended before final release :/
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Are you sure the industry has enough iron ore to fill all the cars. It may be empty after the first 3 then replenish during the time that it should be doing the next two. Give me the KUID of the cars and I will check it out.
Are you sure the industry has enough iron ore to fill all the cars. It may be empty after the first 3 then replenish during the time that it should be doing the next two. Give me the KUID of the cars and I will check it out.
I was using this hopper from JR: http://jointedrail.com/product/cr-h43-hoppers/ It supports iron ore, but it either has to be added into the commodities list in surveyor, or (what i did) and edit the config to add it in without having to mess with the in-game menu.

I know the industry isn't running out of Iron Ore, because i went overkill just to make sure, it has enough ore stockpiled from the get-go to fill a few million hoppers, there is no way it is running out after filling 3.

But, i think this issue is solved, at least for the time being, as the hoppers have now decided that they -all- want to fill up as intended, instead of having a stroke and sitting there not doing anything. one other little bother, although not critical, still raises the question: Why is the "Interval between loading/unloading" input mostly ignored? I set the interval to 5 seconds, for example, and it'll still be 15-20 before the next car in the consist gets loaded up., instead of 5..
I ran two trains side by side with two different load times. One did load faster than the other. Your right though that the times did not exactly match that entered until about the third or fourth car.