Wow, this looks amazing! Looking forward to running this!
On the website hosting this, I (using AltaVista) translated the description out of interest, it only served to fascinate me more.
For the English speakers here, here is the translation. It's a little hard to read, though you can understand it:
Into the second version enters 43 kilometer section of Abkhazian railroad from the Russian- Abkhazian boundary along Psou river to the input pointers of the station Of mysra (o.p. To psou - o.p. You gyach'rypsh' - st. you tsandrypsh' - o.p. cold creek - st. you chigrypsh' - o.p. Of abaata - o.p. You gagrypsh' - o.p. Of adzkhyda - st. of gagra - o.p. Of pitsunda - st. of bzybta - o.p. crushed stone plant - o.p. Of kaltakhuara), and also 10 kilometer Russian section of North-Caucasian railroad from the boundary to the input pointers of the southern neck of station Adler (boundary - st. merry - st. Adler).
Route is built on the basis of real relief with the use of materials of videos"emki of route from the operator's cab of electric train Adler - Sukhum (2004), and also the materials of photography 2005-2006. All buildings of stations are modelled on the photographs specially for this route. Despite the tendency to make as it is nearer as possible to the reality, there was made intentional retreat from the reality - on the route entire signaling and automatic block system (in the reality Abkhazian road thus far it is in the neglected state and not one light signal there at the given moment it works) completely works.
In the third version, whose output is planned in yr, route will be continued to the side Of sukhuma.
Another notch for prototypical routes, it seems!
Apparently this is for TRS06 SP1, the listing on the site seems to include all custom content needed!
I'll be trying this as soon as it's downloaded, thanks!