jointed rail SD9


New member
Does anyone on here have the jointed rail SP SD9 or SP GP9, and if so are you having trouble with it?. I'm missing certain kuids for them and can't find them, i have been in contact with support at jointed rail, and they were not able to help. the kuids are <kuid:506034:280560> and<kuid:506034:70001> Thank you for any help in advance.
Pretty sure no one else has had the same issue you have been having, especially after us supplying the correct KUID's to you that you were missing. I'm not 100% sure what you were doing with the CDP file i supplied after the fact but if it installs those it should have you all set.

Lets see if anyone else has had the same issue, but from memory I don't think I've ever seen this one where they end up still missing even after the right ones were supplied.
If you use Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8x, you have Trainz installed in C:\Program Files [32-bit versions] or in C:\Program Files (x86) [64-bit versions] then my guess is you have permission issues because those locations need administrative rights for any modifications, by default. I recommend you run as Administrator, by right clicking your shortcut used to launch, and select that option. Or, you could re-install to a directory outside of those examples, like C:\TS12, for example. Let us know if you know where you installed it. I have both SP GP9 and SD9 units, with no problems.
