Jointed Rail IBCX GP9 Faulty Dependencies


Just 10 minutes ago, I downloaded IBCX pack that was bought and saved on my flash drive. There is one faulty dependency:confused:: EMD GP9 enginespec with dynamic brake; <Kuid2:506034:837844:1> Author: wearsprada. When I "View Errors & Warnings: 1- (The Tag 'autopilot-stop-distance' is not permitted within a container of type 'engine') 2- (The Tag 'autopilot-crawl-distance' is not permitted within a container of type 'engine'). I looked on the DLS for a newer version, kuid is the same. Also on Auran high-hood interior SHF, The warning reads: "The Boolean tag 'opacity' in container 'window01' is not a valid Boolean value. <kuid2:45324:1095:2> Author: norfolksouthern37. What can be done to fix the faulty dependency?:confused: Thanks.
Are you using at least TRAINZ 2012 SP1 HF4(Build 61388). Anything below that is unsupported.


I'd suggest buying TS12. What are the specs of the PC you will install it on, so you know ahead of time how well it would work.