Escalade: that is always an problem with double track and bridges, shamefully the straighten track option doesn’t work for double track and bridges, I always use the incert spline point several times to divide the bridge to make it as round as possible, if you look well in first pic of previous of my previous post you can still see it has the problem but much harder to spot, I have put an small example of in my next picture of times used incert spline.
Railshuttle: What I meant with active industry’s was that you are able to carry containers from the docks to the depot with loading and unloading them, I use ‘Multiple Industry basic’ for that so no animations for both the cars and the industry, they will just dissapear from the cars when you stop at both points, I will use keimei’s JNR Chiki5500 flatcar.
I also don’t know of any animated container freight industry that could fit on an small place neither animated container cars of Japan and with create I meant to fill the area with objects and textures since it was and still is greyblocks/yellow line textures, I don’t know how to model objects or texture them.
Now about my route, I have extended my route an bit already to have more place for the end station, some wip pics.
This is the way towards the end station which starts behind the wall, you can also see an track that goes trough an tunnel which will make an circle and drives back towards the most left track.
Here you can see the trains drive trough the tunnel and see an part of the end station of which from this side is mostly finished.
Another pic of the station.