Is Widows running your correct number of CPU Cores


Active member
My TANE experience wasn't what it should be, in fact it was plain terrible. I have a top-end rig running a Geforce GTX 980 Ti GPU coupled with an i7-3930K CPU with 24 GB RAM. My OS is Windows 7 Professional. Then I remembered something I learnt around five years ago regarding Windows and its default CPU core settings. Many games and other processor-heavy applications really require the CPU power of multiple cores. However, even if you have a dual, quad, six-core processor, you are not guaranteed that all of them are always turned on. By default, Windows will run all your cores. However, in some circumstances windows will set your active cores lower than the max. Problems arise when the Windows OS then never re-enables all the cores. If you have experienced a drastic slowdown in system performance, this could be your quick fix. Sure enough, when I followed the instructions here: I found that I was only running one of my six CPU Cores ( I had reloaded my OS earlier this year but forgot to activate all my CPU cores). Anyway, if you haven't done so yet, it is well worth the few minutes it takes to resolve this issue. It made an instant difference on my computer.
Outstanding reminder Bob, it is something that a lot of us forget to check. With some luck this problem will be better handled in the newest version of Windows being released here is just one short week. I will alert the devs to be certain that this issue has been looked at and if not get them busy on it.
Thanks Bob, I've just had a look at my two quad core computers and they were both running on one core. I've seen a smoother ride on T:ANE already.
