I can understand your problem when you are using Driver mode, that the use of track-marks could be beneficial. It is in Driver mode when you are most observant and you do notice little things which could be rectified.
I have found there are three keys on your keyboard that help you quickly identify where those little errors are. Firstly "P" to Pause,... which immediately stops Driver mode to allow you sufficient time to grab a notepad and pen.
Then "Ctrl" and "M" to bring up a map of the route at exactly the point you paused. Also Map will identify signals, junctions and other track-marks close to its proximity.
Write it down, then un-pause to continue on until you see another section that needs attention. When you have a list, go into Surveyor to make your corrections.
After this, you will not have any unnecessary track-marks or things to clutter up your route. I believe this method is far simpler and the little things never get overlooked.