Invisible signals


New member
I notice that Jack,aka jjsslll54 has made some excellent invisible signals and speed boards? How and where would one use these to greatest effect?
I notice that Jack,aka jjsslll54 has made some excellent invisible signals and speed boards? How and where would one use these to greatest effect?

Maybe next to a junction in a yard that you don't want to show or in between two main signals close to the next signal to slow the AI down before he actually gets to the stop signal.
There are many situations where Invisible Signals are very useful but the main one is where you have a Junction.TRS2006/4 builtin signals need to "see" a signal on the Branch (denoted by the lower height arm or Feather) but its not always practical or realistic to have a "real" signal on the Branch.If you place an IS on the Branch the junction indicator will work correctly.
The invisible speed boards are very useful for tram and trolley bus track on roads and the signals may be usable as well.

Does it matter how far it is to the signal on the branch as long as there is one?

Much here depends on the approach speed and the braking distance

Hi dabbie
Anywhere you wish to reduce clutter or give the impression of the real world and still have a working railway using AI I’m rebuilding the Taunton Yards at the moment and I have used around 250 signals to achieve full AI operations

Regards Bob V
"laidford" its not vital re the distance but the Branch "may" need at least 3 Signals otherwise the AI may restrict trains to i8 MPH.If there are any Trailing Points between the Branch Points and the Signal on the Branch the Junction Signal won"t be able to see the Branch Signal.Hope that makes sense.
Yes lewisner that makes sense. thank you. As you have probably seen in some of my other posts, trailing points seem to have a malign influence on my signalling arrangements!
Much here depends on the approach speed and the braking distance

Hi dabbie
Anywhere you wish to reduce clutter or give the impression of the real world and still have a working railway using AI I’m rebuilding the Taunton Yards at the moment and I have used around 250 signals to achieve full AI operations

Regards Bob V

Ahhh... God's Own at Taunton where I used to train-spot in the fourties.
Trust you place my old school in (Taunton School)
Bob v, Excellent! Oh the memories (old Beakie taking Latin on a Sat. morning...)
They have girls there now:eek: . Soon steam will go and we will have those nasty diesels.

Must lie down:sleep:

Ahem!.......invisible signals?

dabbie;) ;)
Ahem!.......invisible signals? dabbie;) ;)
That’s what I said 250 and more at Taunton you can grab a copy of the route when it’s completed and see where they all fit
I also tend to use the speed boards to give the impression of a more realistic start speed from stations especially those with long platforms
Regards Bob V