Internal error


New member

Got TS10 with West Somerset Railway content on all of the WSR content has this issue:

Error: Internal error. Unable to validate asset c:\program files (x86)\auran\ts2010/UserData/local\hash-88\kuid 75805 23013 at the current time

This has not only affected the WSR content, but nearly everything else.

Please can you help?
This is really bad!

Got TS10 with West Somerset Railway content on all of the WSR content has this issue:

Error: Internal error. Unable to validate asset c:\program files (x86)\auran\ts2010/UserData/local\hash-88\kuid 75805 23013 at the current time

This has not only affected the WSR content, but nearly everything else.

Please can you help?
This is really bad!

Start Content Manager and run a Quick Database Repair.

The process may take some time so prepare to do nothing else with your computer or Trainz. In fact I recommend running this overnight while sleeping, or during the day while at work or school.

When the process is complete, you need to do some clean-up in Content Manager.

You will see faulty content. Do not panic! Simply highlight the items and view errors and warnings. The errors will disappear. I also recommend checking for open items, assets open for edit is the better term. Search for these and commit them as they may have been open when the crash occurred originally.
