Interesting issue


Offends by example
Hey guys, I'm hoping that perhaps somebody can help me with this particular issue.
So, I was working on my project today, and was going to give a test to see how long it was. Well attempt #1 failed, all the units that had ARN, lost it. So I fixed that issue, and then I turned around to another issue, this time it was my trains wouldn't load correctly. Okay, that's fine, I don't mind that, I can still drive the train, well, that didn't work out so well, as it disappeared. Then I get all kinds of script errors, and then it just simply escalates into when I go to place a new train, the route completely locks up and gives a run-time error and the game crashes. Don't worry, I already took the next step, and that was to see if it was the route or the game, well to add to my horror, the other routes run correctly. I can add trains, load them like they should, not get any script errors and etc.. This means it is the route. My question is, what is the exact issues and how can I rectify this without losing the route. There's 2 months of work in it, and I would like to keep it going.

Hi Chris,

Is this in TS12?

Is there by chance missing dependencies and lots and lots of, what should be current content, showing updates but you can't get them?

Check in Content Manager if you can.

Hey John,
This is using TS2010, as I currently don't have a PC for TS2012 at the moment,
I checked for missing deps along with updates. There are no missing deps, nor are there tons of updates. To be exact, it is only a ground-texture that needs an update throughout the entire thing. I'm really baffled as to why it is doing this, as it has never done this before.
The reason why I ask is this is similar to what happens when TS12 has issues with the DLS and DLC authentication servers.

Hmmm... Did you do any kind of software updates recently to cause this like video drivers, or have other problems like a failing hard drive corrupting stuff?

The only update I did was redownload the JR FX library because I assumed this was the issue causing the ARN problem. I am not aware of any outside issues like a failing HDD.
Check the hardware just because... It might point to something that's going on underneath that's causing the problems you have now.

Did you download anything new from the DLS today, or yesterday when things went iffy? Something might be corrupt and causing the program to crash.

I did download Davesnow's new houses along with UMR 2011 Summer from the DLS today. I'm thinking that UMR 2011 might be a factor.
That would be the first thing I'd go after. Keep in mind to check the dependencies first and remove only those that are needed for that route. Perhaps it's one of those that's giving your system fits.

Was UMR2011 the route that you were having issues with? If not, its probably not that route. Unless you downloaded a more recent version, 2011 was made specifically for TS2010 IIRC....

From what you said, it sounded like the route you were trying to load was one of your own home built routes? Whats the status of the route right now? Have you made any back up copies? The last time you were working on it did you add any new assets to the route?

Thats where I would start. If it was Hardware, I'd think your entire game would demonstrate similar behavior, not just one route. I do agree with JCitron on counts of "Similar to DLC issues" and "This is what I would expect if something was corrupted". I find myself wondering if you ever bought JR locos from the DLC instead of JR's site, though with 2010 DRM shouldn't be an issue for you. After that I can only think you either added something or did something to the route that caused it to have either a corruption or a bug. For instance, using any of JR's "Distance" signals (Searchlight or Safetrans) in front of a switch that has no signals down one path of it, and then switching to that path, will cause the later half of what you described. There are other things as well that do this as well.

Good Luck,
The route I am using is a route I was working on myself. The only assets I added were track, trees, and grass splines. But it was all copy and paste stuff for the trees. I will have to check the signals out, as that could perhaps be an issue because I've not been watching where I'm placing signals, but I don't think such a thing exists on my route, but perhaps I've missed a situation like that. All of my JR payware is directly from the JR site, and I have no DLC from Auran either. Potentially, it could be an issue elsewhere on the route that I need to look for. It appears that it is on the east side of the route, so I will check that particular area out before moving on.
I do have one back-up copy, but it is back from when the route was in it's early stages. Currently the route is much bigger and more detailed than what the back-up copy is.

EDIT: I have done some investigation, and some truly odd things come up. First, if I move away from the area at which the errors keep occuring, everything operates as it is supposed to. Even in the Irish City railyard, (Not that far from the area) everything works. Second, for the particular area, a train is stuck, but is invisible and I cannot delete it. I have now narrowed it down to I think it is the issue. A check in CMP shows as it is not there either. No deps refering to the locomotives and it's railcars are listed.
So I think the better question is here, how exactly do I delete the ghost train?
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The route I am using is a route I was working on myself. The only assets I added were track, trees, and grass splines. But it was all copy and paste stuff for the trees. I will have to check the signals out, as that could perhaps be an issue because I've not been watching where I'm placing signals, but I don't think such a thing exists on my route, but perhaps I've missed a situation like that. All of my JR payware is directly from the JR site, and I have no DLC from Auran either. Potentially, it could be an issue elsewhere on the route that I need to look for. It appears that it is on the east side of the route, so I will check that particular area out before moving on.
I do have one back-up copy, but it is back from when the route was in it's early stages. Currently the route is much bigger and more detailed than what the back-up copy is.

EDIT: I have done some investigation, and some truly odd things come up. First, if I move away from the area at which the errors keep occuring, everything operates as it is supposed to. Even in the Irish City railyard, (Not that far from the area) everything works. Second, for the particular area, a train is stuck, but is invisible and I cannot delete it. I have now narrowed it down to I think it is the issue. A check in CMP shows as it is not there either. No deps refering to the locomotives and it's railcars are listed.
So I think the better question is here, how exactly do I delete the ghost train?

Well I'm glad you're on to something if that helps...

To delete a ghost train. I've coupled a working consist to the ghost in Surveyor and then deleted the consist.

Overall something doesn't sound right. I hope you have backups. I do suggest a QDR and see if that fixes the crashing as it definitely sounds like something got stuffed.

The problem has been solved! I don't what caused it, but I did QDR, and it worked! The ghost train reappeared, I can place consist and things are working like they should once more!
I'm so happy right now! :)

Thanks guys for your help!