Insert extra route into existing route


New member
I was wondering whether there is any easy way of splitting a route in order to insert extra parts? What I mean is, if I have an existing route is it possible to split it and add an extra section between the two parts?
Hi Bill,

It can be done, but not as easy as you'd like. :)

You need to clone your route you want to split up. In fact making two copies is even better so you can keep the original safe.

1) Rename one copy as Part A and rename the other Part B.

2) Edit Part A in Surveyor and delete Part B.

3) Repeat the same in Part B and delete Part A.

4) Open up route Part A and import the new baseboards (route) you want to use.

5) Save...

6) Import Part B.

You should now have your bigger route with your new parts inserted.

There are somethings to remember here:

1) Routes can't be rotated
2) Routes can't be raised or lowered.

If you need to do either of the above, you will need to create a transition or transitions of some sort. The length of these is determined how high and how curved your links need to be.

2) Routes can't be raised or lowered.

In general this is true. However, Roland Ziegler (aka Geophil) has stated that TransDEM can raise or lower a layout but he advises that it is not 100% safe as there are, apparently, some "unknowns" in the layout data structures.
Thats what I was afraid the answer would be. It might be a bit of help if Trainz could arrange for the deletion of blocks of baseboards instead of one at a time which would at least make the operation a little faster.
I was hoping that, since Trainz is when it comes down to it, just a computer program, there might have been a way to split the data stored for the routes. (In the same way that a word processor can insert extra blocks of data in the middle of a document). Maybe Auran could give the idea some thought? Still thanks for the answers guys.
Thats what I was afraid the answer would be. It might be a bit of help if Trainz could arrange for the deletion of blocks of baseboards instead of one at a time which would at least make the operation a little faster.
I was hoping that, since Trainz is when it comes down to it, just a computer program, there might have been a way to split the data stored for the routes. (In the same way that a word processor can insert extra blocks of data in the middle of a document). Maybe Auran could give the idea some thought? Still thanks for the answers guys.


We've asked for this kind of thing for years like a simple marquee or lasso tool to select a bunch of baseboards to be trimmed, but we've never had a bite at it from N3V or even Auran way back when. :)

In general this is true. However, Roland Ziegler (aka Geophil) has stated that TransDEM can raise or lower a layout but he advises that it is not 100% safe as there are, apparently, some "unknowns" in the layout data structures.

Very true and I've done this, and it does have it's caveats as I've found out the hard way like a zero height reference that wasn't a zero reference because the world origin was messed up in the route. When I adjusted the heights, the route measured -30 meters difference between the one I wanted to merge into from the one I needed to adjust. I made the height difference and when I brought the two routes together, I couldn't line things up! The track height tool stated 0 height, but when I measured the ground height, it was 200 meters! After poking around and trying again with other numbers, I gave up because it was too confusing.
