We're always looking for new rolling stock.:Y: Generally, we don't even waste time asking if anyone wants something unless we feel like bragging about new toys.
What kind of locos do you have?
since i live in the area of union pacific and inprr i could do those locos, but im trying to find out how i can do more than the locos on paintshed. any suggestions on this part could help. thanks dan
What kind of locomotives are you thinking about, diesel, steam ???
And if they are diesels, what type of model are they, Geeps, Dash 9's, SD40's ?????
As Tokkyu40 stated, new engines on the DLS are always welcome....
since i live in the area of union pacific and inprr i could do those locos, but im trying to find out how i can do more than the locos on paintshed. any suggestions on this part could help. thanks dan
If you're just starting in the loco business, the easiest thing to do is to reskin existing locomotives. Check the DLS to see what needs to be made, and use a graphics program like photoshop to modify existing engines.
I use Paint Shed stock, making as close an aproximation as I can, then going into Photofiltre to alter the textures to get the finished rolling stock.
Here's a World of Trainz tutorial on Reskinning. http://www.worldoftrainz.com/Pages/Tutorials_TRS2006/ReskinTutTRS.htm
An exact replica is fun, but not necessary. The important thing is to have fun.
inprr is actually a renamed from a prevouse railroad that ran on the same line . i guss sence the original name was already taken the railroad was named Idaho Northern & Pacific Railroad. the original name was Pacific & Idaho Northern Railroad.. they ran everything from a 2-8-0 to a 2-8-2. anything bigger would destroy the line.