Information needed: Gb&L #44


The Chicago CTA guy
the more and more I think about this locomotive, the more and more I wonder what the heck happened to it

Around 2003 or so, the locomotive was moved to Silver Plum west of Georgetown by the Georgetown Loop Railroad to be restored to operation. In 2004, after much fighting, they lost their lease to operate the railroad.

Now, had that not happened, she would be running by now, but instead she is dismantled...big time

Here is what I know now

The parts of the locomotive I can find are at the Colorado Railroad museum. these include the locomotive frame, what remains of the cab and throttle dome, and the tender (the only part that is intact)

The rest of the locomotive is missing, literally. I did not go and look by the cab, but some parts of the locomotive may be there. The frame is bear. all the drivers and drive rods are missing. i asked one of the guys at the museum,, he had no clue what happened to the boiler.

is there anyway that anyone could fill me in on where the rest of the locomotive is? i mean really, this is truly a lost locomotive
Its possible that the boiler was removed to fire a factory's industrial plant. Similar to how railroads will lease their diesel locomotives to work as power generators for factories. The last time I saw that was when Montana Rail Link proved a couple of SD-40s to a sawmill complex to help power their equipment.

Just a guess...
the drivers and rods have bearings on them that have very close tolerances and could be at a machine shop getting babit done and baring bronze machined for them and as for the boiler some time the boilers were sold for heating or factories power needs thats what happend to a climax at roaring camp in santa cruz ca.