Idea for NYCTA 2100 system


Active member
I had an idea for the NYCTA subway system in the year 2100. The trains are computer-controlled and the stations look like long hallways with elevator doors. The whole system is underground. Any suggestions for futuristic subway systems?
Okay, now, that's a tough one. We all know what a subway is and some of what it used to be, but it looks like no one has really given much thought to what a subway should become.
There's talk of someday running trains through an airlock and then into a vacuum tunnel, but the technology on that seems a little too complex for the supposed benefits. Not to mention the problems inherent if a car springs an airleak, or has to be evacuated in the middle of a tunnel.
More streamlined cab cars might be a benefit, especially since the air doesn't really have anywhere to go when it gets pushed aside. Linear motors can be used to lower the car height to allow smaller tunnels.
Past that, I don't know.
I wouldn't mind if the tunnels were dressed up a little in real life. It's a little gloomy between stations.

:cool: Claude
nycta question

i see that most of the nycta2007 is underground there is no way to see whats going on unless your on a train. is there a way to see the layout without riding the train. what can i do to fix this problem. i know its going to take months to program the whole system with lights and trackmarks. please advise
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In Surveyor, click on the icon with the grid on the upper-right corner of the screen. The ground should disappear, allowing you to see the tracks and stations underground.
NYCTA 2100

Hi Jeff and I don't know exactly where it is but there is an NYCTA 2020 with the second ave know as the T line Mario:)
Maglev Lines would be one way to have trains travelling quicker, aswell as fast escalators to speed up pedestrian traffic in/out of stations.
Tubular tunnels.:D
I think in the future subways will all be bored rather than cutand cover, so the tunnels will tend to be round rather than square.
Stations with outside platforms might have glowing transluscent walls between the tracks for decoration, and to keep stray passengers from trying to cross the tracks.

:cool: Claude
nycta 2007

hey jeff sorry to be a pain, how do I save this in driver mode so that I can
see the trains inside in both directions
People should experiment with

subway tube decorations
subway train decorations (korail operating line 3 of seoul subway put spiderman pictures all over one of their subway trains in anticipation of spiderman 3)

platform screen doors on all stations
making things flowery ... give some color and appeal to those station signs (LOL o.0)

make them go really fast
I had an idea for the NYCTA subway system in the year 2100. The trains are computer-controlled and the stations look like long hallways with elevator doors. The whole system is underground. Any suggestions for futuristic subway systems?
just wait until 2025 when the subway system gets new subway cars. ALL the lines will have it including shuttle trains.and then 2050 when the whole NYC subway system gets the future.its gonna come in a snap.