Ian Allan- Farewell

That's sad news. He did do a lot to promote the railroads through the rail hobby industry. I'm sure he died with a smile on his face knowing that railroads are taking the forefront again in the UK.

I have some Modern Railways magazines. I purchased them during a trips to the UK back in 1984 and 1985.

WOW, who doesn't know that name, he wrote so many great books. Not many names go all around the world and are as well known as his.

Thoughts are with his friends and family during this sad time.
92 - what a great innings! I was an Ian Allan locospotter and still have the little green enamelled badge I had at the age of 13 when my parents (and I!) emigrated to Australia all those years ago. I also still have my 1961 version of the Ian Allan ABC "British Railways Locomotives - Combined Volume" with 10/6 (ten shillings and sixpence) on the cover. It's a bit tattered and dog eared but still a valuable reference.

Another legend gone, but not forgotten.
Thanks for posting this R3 as I hadn't heard this news. As I look upon the treasured 'combined volume' I bought as a 12 year old in 1976 I think of the pleasure gained by thousands from the hobby of collecting numbers he accidentally created and the many great books bearing his name that I have been able to read and collect. My thanks to him and condolences to his family.

Someone I never knew but who gave me so much pleasure as a young train spotter. Unfortunately my family destroyed/dumped all of my books when I joined the Royal Navy at 16 years of age. (only 50 years ago!)
Is it presuming too much to say that Ian Allan recruited most of the generation that took action and preserved railways in the UK?

Very sad news. I was a loco spotter in the mid to late 50s and his books were the Bibles og spotting. Not only locos but also ships, cars, buses etc. I still have most of my books from those days.