I was wondering something!


New member
Hey guys. After many failed attempts i just find myself getting frustrated with this system. I've got about 30 plus new objects downloaded, and all of them won't work because they're missing one, maybe 2 dependencies that i can't for the life of me find.
So i was curious if anyone would be willing to gather up some Amtrak cars, and locomotives (F40PH, P42, Horizon Cars, the Amfleet cars) anything and all of their dependencies and zip them and host them on a place like you-send it or something of that sort.
I just can't find these missing mystery pieces!
You can search the forums for the KUIDs. I too had a problem with the AMTRAK assest that I downloaded. I was able to find everything with the help posted in the forums.

If I could remember the threads I'd give you some links, but I can't remember.
Hi Actionhank1786/Everyone!

Let's see if I can help you. First I need to ask what version of trainz you are running. Hopefully you are running trs2004 (the only version I have for now and my specialty in a sense :D ). If you are running trs2004, you should definetly download and use a program called trainz objects (perhaps you have used it, if not then get this program which is freeware). You can get it here:


then, you can install it, run it, select the menu button and select full error checking, then re run it and follow the error messages that pop up. Hopefully, one will state that you are missing some dependencies for the object to work and it will direct you to the download station to get them. If that's not the case, run that program and tell us what errors show up. Some of the creators made some syntax errors in the config files which are somewhat simple to fix up (like a misplaced quote or missing bracket). I've fixed about 80-90% of the problems with rolling stock/engines this way (the other 10-20% were missing important things, such as texture files or will only work in later versions of trainz).

If you have '06, I have heard that there is a similar program you can run although I don't know it's name nor do I have any idea how it works. Maybe someone else can help you in that case...

So let us know what version you are running and we'll hopefully be able to help you asap. :)

Gisa ^^
Hey guys! I've got Trainz 2006.
Lemme see what i can find that it says i'm missing. This system just seems overly complex, maybe i'll get it with time!

Ok, for the Horizon cars i'm missing kuid:-3:10110 that one i believe.

The GP-40's i just downloaded yesterday seem to be missing 20...(:()

The GP-35's made by Joram24 need <kuid2:45324:54002:1>, and <kuid:-1:101475>.
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Just as an aside Gisa, and anyone else who doesn't know, when you run Trainzobjects, right-click on the opening box and the prog freezes and a box pops up. You get the choice of (a) aborting or (b) changing the error check level.

You can have your thread back now :sleep:

ID's with a - in front of them are built in to TRS 2006, I just checked and -3:10110 greencorona and -1:101475 Gen_sd are there. Can't find any trace of 45324 but kuid2 numbers have a version number on the end, and have often been updated, a common cause of missing dependecies.

ID's with a - in front of them are built in to TRS 2006, I just checked and -3:10110 greencorona and -1:101475 Gen_sd are there. Can't find any trace of 45324 but kuid2 numbers have a version number on the end, and have often been updated, a common cause of missing dependecies.


So, then shouldn't the game run them just fine?
Or at least not have them listed as missing?
For TRS2006 theres is a program called CMP that come with the game....uhh.:sleep:
It does nothing of the sort like Trainz-Objects does unfortinalty.:'(
maybe someone can make something like it for 06. Its beyond me.:D
kuid 47092 is JoshEH but his website name seems to belong to someone else now.
I searched everywhere I know and, sorry, no luck.
do you know what it is?, perhaps you could substitute something else.

I wish i could figure this out for sure.
I downloaded and F40PH, and it said i was missing one dependency.
so i found it and downloaded it. And now there aren't any missing so far as i can tell...
but it won't show up.
Nor will the Horizon cars i downloaded.
Also, anyone know a good place to get amfleet cars? I've always had a warm place in my heart for them.
I wish there were a way to just have everything you need in one package.
This seems to be an overly complex system going on here.
I've got 30+ loco's and rolling stock but non of it useful because of one missing dependency or more.
Have you checked with CMP by right clicking the F40PH and right clicking on View Errors? If none then click on the CMP Open for Edit tab and commit anything listed there.
