I Love Trainz 19

I'm not asking for any sympathy but the final question is where does my responsibility for my payware end?

Which leads to the question: Where does N3V's responsibility for their selling of 3rd party payware begin and end?

The customer is purchasing the payware from N3V. Some don't even know it was created by 3rd parties.
As i see it, feel free to correct

A DLC gets purchased from N3v, n3v takes half the profit
n3v uses it to promote and sell the entire game with it
n3v chooses to pack freeware items from the DLS in the pack
So first they are responsible, their task to ask the original routebuilder to fix stuff
and because DLS assets get packed, they now also need to make sure those packed items are working correct
and not ruin other routes.

Routes from other payware sites, they can be only held responsable for the items they offer on their site
if it requires assets from the DLS, that suddenly become broken, its not their fault.

We as free content creators are not responsible for anything,
we offer something free, it's working at the then accepted/validation process on the DLS
take it or leave it.
If n3v breaks a free item on the DLS by suddenly changing the rules/validation,
they are responsible, in the end it hurts the entire game.

no lawyer, just someone that loves Trainz :)