I've had an idea, in it's embryonic stage, which may or may not be feasible and is open to suggestions for tweaking. As a UK enthusiast this is presented with UK content in mind but could be taken up by fans of other countries too.
Basically, I was thinking about how you often get people asking for certain models or skins to be made in trainz and they can often be accused of gimmepigging, rightly or wrongly.
So would it be helpful/useful to create a database which lists classes of locos and rolling stock and whether they're available in Trainz, or to what standard (ie which version of trainz they were created for?
For example, take UK diesel engines:
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 600, align: center"]
[TD]Available in Trainz?
[TD]Most recent version
[TD]Various liveries available on DLS
[TD]Phototextured version by MichaelWhiteley/ Reskins by TMZ06003 on DLS, also multiple paintshed reskins.
[TD]Built into TRS2012, various liveries available on DLS
[TD]A version previously released by Railworks in 4 liveries; not currently available.
Or LNER Steam Engines:
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 600, align: center"]
[TD]Available in Trainz?
[TD]Available as Payware from Camscott's Darlington Works website
[TD]Model by paulhobbs built into the Settle & Carlisle payware pack.
[TD]Model of Mallard built in to TRS04/06. Various liveries with customisable numbers available on DLS from alex23.
I know I've missed out Class 52 in the first table; I did it intentionally so I could fit the 56s in as an example of one not available. The LNER A1 row would have been more or less identical to A2 so left that out too. This system would probably have to be divided by era and company - so, pre-grouping, LNER, LMS, GWR, SR, BR Standards, BR & Modern Diesels (Thanks to TOPS, diesels could probably all be put in one list), DMUs, EMUS. Obviously you can't include every single class ever built but if you had the most well-known classes listed with yes or no, and worked by the rule of 'If it's not listed, it's not available' then that could work.
Whilst time-consuming to create and maintain, I believe such a database would have two advantages:
1. Those searching for a particular loco would be able to search a list first. The DLS is great but is sometimes difficult to search because searching for 'Class 50' brings up Class 508 as well for example, or the model isn't named how you might expect.
2. On the rare occasion that a content creator is left wondering what to do next, they can scour the list to find out either a) what has never been made full stop or b) for which classes there only exists old, lower quality models. So for example, they may note that there's not currently an LNER W1 and decide to make that. Or they may notice that the most recent model of a P2 2-8-2 was a 2006 version and feel that they would like the challenge of creating a model to 2010/2012 standards.
It could also be set up like wikipedia, where the whole community contributes to keeping it pu-to-date.
Any thoughts on this? I realise that the amount of effort required to get it started could be the biggest issue.
Anyway, I'm throwing it out there, and well aware that I could be shot down spectacularly so I'm open to whatever the general consensus is!
Basically, I was thinking about how you often get people asking for certain models or skins to be made in trainz and they can often be accused of gimmepigging, rightly or wrongly.
So would it be helpful/useful to create a database which lists classes of locos and rolling stock and whether they're available in Trainz, or to what standard (ie which version of trainz they were created for?
For example, take UK diesel engines:
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 600, align: center"]
[TD]Available in Trainz?
[TD]Most recent version
[TD]Various liveries available on DLS
[TD]Phototextured version by MichaelWhiteley/ Reskins by TMZ06003 on DLS, also multiple paintshed reskins.
[TD]Built into TRS2012, various liveries available on DLS
[TD]A version previously released by Railworks in 4 liveries; not currently available.
Or LNER Steam Engines:
[TABLE="class: grid, width: 600, align: center"]
[TD]Available in Trainz?
[TD]Available as Payware from Camscott's Darlington Works website
[TD]Model by paulhobbs built into the Settle & Carlisle payware pack.
[TD]Model of Mallard built in to TRS04/06. Various liveries with customisable numbers available on DLS from alex23.
I know I've missed out Class 52 in the first table; I did it intentionally so I could fit the 56s in as an example of one not available. The LNER A1 row would have been more or less identical to A2 so left that out too. This system would probably have to be divided by era and company - so, pre-grouping, LNER, LMS, GWR, SR, BR Standards, BR & Modern Diesels (Thanks to TOPS, diesels could probably all be put in one list), DMUs, EMUS. Obviously you can't include every single class ever built but if you had the most well-known classes listed with yes or no, and worked by the rule of 'If it's not listed, it's not available' then that could work.
Whilst time-consuming to create and maintain, I believe such a database would have two advantages:
1. Those searching for a particular loco would be able to search a list first. The DLS is great but is sometimes difficult to search because searching for 'Class 50' brings up Class 508 as well for example, or the model isn't named how you might expect.
2. On the rare occasion that a content creator is left wondering what to do next, they can scour the list to find out either a) what has never been made full stop or b) for which classes there only exists old, lower quality models. So for example, they may note that there's not currently an LNER W1 and decide to make that. Or they may notice that the most recent model of a P2 2-8-2 was a 2006 version and feel that they would like the challenge of creating a model to 2010/2012 standards.
It could also be set up like wikipedia, where the whole community contributes to keeping it pu-to-date.
Any thoughts on this? I realise that the amount of effort required to get it started could be the biggest issue.
Anyway, I'm throwing it out there, and well aware that I could be shot down spectacularly so I'm open to whatever the general consensus is!