I don't think this is good...


FVRR member
Ok I have a Compaq computer,and when you first start it it goes to the Compaq screen,and then it just lingers there for awhile when it used to go right past it after 10 seconds or so. Sometimes it doesn't go past that screen at all and I have to get to the boot menu in order to get moving,which works but I don't know if this is really good for the computer,and if this is a sign of something to come.
My computer specs are.
Windows XP
Home Edition
Version: 2002
Service Pack 3

AMD Athalon XP 3000+
2.17GHz,1 gig or RAM
and a Nvidia 7600GS

Thanks for any help/thoughts:wave:

You may have a virus, so run a virus check with your virus scanner. Do a defragmantation of your CD drive, it may take a while...Go to My Computer > Right click on the C Drive > Properties > Tools > De-fragmentation.

Also while you are there run a window error check, fixes errors in windows. This only works when you next start up.

When in that same window go back to General and also do a 'Disk Cleanup' It will get rid of unneeded stuff.

Just putting a few comments into some detail in case you don't know how to do it.

That may fix it.

Thanks guys I already knew about the defrag etc..
@CasyJ it actually lags at both:o

I have a Presario SR1012/SX, and sometimes it will do the same thing, but eventually it will proceed to the Windows Bootup. It may be garbage collecting or performing other operations which take time to complete, but in case you do suspect a virus, do a complete scan of your system. First try booting into Safe Mode and see it proceeds without stalling.
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