I am so lost


New member
I have Trainz 2006 and I am so lost. I have read the manual many times and pretty much understand the workings of the program, but then I select a scenario and I just sit there and stare. It just seems like there is so much to do that there really is no enjoyment of the trains themselves. The map is so big that I really can't get a feel for where the places and consists are. It is so cluttered, and I can't really decide what is necessary and what is not. Other than the tutorials, are there any sites where I can download and print step by step instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks until I get a feel of what I'm supposed to do by myself? Also, isn't there a:Find" feature on the map? I can't seem to find it any more. Obviously, I need some help. Thanks
I don't use 2006, just 2004, so I'm not familiar with 2006 scenarios. It can be a little daunting until you get the feel of what's happening. You might want to select a small route, or download one, set up a train on the map in surveyor and then just drive the train through the map to get familiar with what's there. The 2004 scenarios are fairly complete in explaining what the next task is to be accomplished. On large maps, it can sometimes be a little confusing where you're supposed to be going, but it gets easier as you get more familiar with the map.
You could try using TrainzMap and print out a map of the route to assist you while you're driving or just use the map button at the bottom of the screen to pop up the route map when you need it.
Not sure I've been much help, but just hang in there and you'll get hooked.
Search, search, search, and then search again...

8) Hello, who4ever,

Welcome to the Auran Forums!

Yes, there is a learning curve with this sim...you came to the right place.

Feel free to use the Forum Index page, and visit the different sections, to become familiar with places to look for answers.

There are so many 3rd party websites to find tutorials, and a Google type search may also find answers to any questions you have about Trainz.

I suggest, becoming familiar with one map, so that you can utilize all the different features of Trainz, and how railroads work.

City and Country, is small enough, that you can place empty trains in the yard, and similar trains at industries on the road(read-railroad), and then practice operating.

You can go into Surveyor, and change whatever you want, track, scenery, whatever, and save as. The original route, will always be there, so don't be afraid to experiment.

As for the "Find" feature, at the upper left hand corner of the screen, there is a icon in Driver Mode, to find objects, including whatever you add to the route, in Surveyor.

Scenarios, are scripted sessions, and generally have much going on. If you don't know what is to happen, you can get into trouble, real quick.

The manuals provided on the Start screen menu, are in .pdf format, and can be printed. I use color printing, and both sides of the page, and a three ring hole puncher for a 3 ring binder, with the cover page on front.

Stay with it, and practice!
Alan's your little step-by-step introduction should be made into a sticky. This is very useful for any of the new users of the program.

Another interesting way to get your feet wet is to play a session where all the driver instructions have already been set up, and all you have to do is go along for the ride. One that comes to mind, and is built-in to your '06 is Marias Pass Approach. Go into Driver mode, click on the route Marias Pass Approach, and it will show 4 sessions. Amtrak NR7 is a "ride-along" session. Just sit back and watch, and explore things while the train is doing its thing. Look at the commands across the bottom of the screen and try to make sense of that. Experiment with the different camera views. Notice that the passenger cars included in this session have "interiors", which means you can select one by left-clicking on it, and then select the "cab view" camera. Have a look around in side the car, and watch the scenery thru the windows.

Once you have a feel for whats happening, go into Surveyor and select the same route and session, and see how the creator set up the driver instructions. Then try to make a session of your own based on what you've learned. Remember "Save as" and not just "Save".

Next, look thru some of your other sessions in '06, and try them out. Some are easier than others, but give them all a try. There are a couple driver tutorials that expose you to different aspects of driving. Some are fairly easy, others more difficult. Try them all and it will come with time. Before you know it, you'll be wondering where the day has gone.

From your desktop, select MyComputer>disk drive (where '06 is installed)>ProgramFiles>Auran>Trs2006>Docs>Manuals_cd>extras. In this folder you will find two files named: "TRS 2006 KS Driver" and "TRS 2006 KS Surveyor". These are each PDF files and they are the keyboard 'hot keys' list for both Driver and Surveyor. You can print these out and have them handy while you're in Trainz.

Two things to remember: 1) you can do whatever you want and don't have to successfully complete the session if you don't want to. And 2) Have fun!!!
You might like to try running the "RBR Demo 1 Apollo Bay" scenario which is included as a built-in item in TRS2006. You'll find it listed under "Scenarios" at the bottom of the "Driver" menu.

Although the Razorback Classic layout is large, this particular scenario only involves a short run on a small branch line, with a total of four stations visited. It won't take long to complete, and it'll tell you what to do at each stage.

I guess you've probably already discovered that driving in DCC mode is much simpler than in CAB mode.

Some people prefer to run scripted activities with set goals and/or instructions, while other people prefer to run a train around a layout as they wish, or to set up their own automated train movements. All these things are possible with Trainz.

Hope this helps,
