I Absolutley Hate Speed Trees!

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Put in a four track yard off of a double track main, 2 standing consists, a player train and an AI train or two working it's way through. Don't forget signals and all the other little things that make routes look great and get it all moving.

Ok - not sure what all of this proves but what the heck...

Real route (albeit a a small one), take in Driver not surveyor, running windowed to get the official fps in the shot, player train in cam is moving at 20kph, two AI trains are running schedules in the background, fully signalled etc etc. Rig is old, slow, and badly needs replaced...


71 St Types, 3.6k instances, fps18.2, occassionally up to 20, never below 18 zoomed way out, but at realistic trackside cam view nudging 30.

But here's the important bit: zoomed out or close up, it's absolutely utterly totally smooth as silk...

Andy ;)
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Ok - not sure what all of this proves but what the heck...

Real route (albeit a a small one), take in Driver not surveyor, running windowed to get the official fps in the shot, player train in cam is moving at 20kph, two AI trains are running schedules in the background, fully signalled etc etc. Rig is old, slow, and badly needs replaced...

71 St Types, 3.6k instances, fps18.2, occassionally up to 20, never below 18 zoomed way out, but at realistic trackside cam view nudging 30.

But here's the important bit: zoomed out or close up, it's absolutely utterly totally smooth as silk...

Andy ;)

Wow! I read that in your other thread but didn't want to go off topic. This blows a big hole in the theory mentioned above about limiting the types of speedtreez.

Again my route was running smooth even with 45+ types of speedtreez. Anywhere form 18 -38 fps. But... with no warning Trainz would freeze, lock up then finally crash. This usually happened when the speedtreez types were 20+. I haven't been able replicate this freezing on any other routes.

The only obvious thing I can see different in your route and mine is total size. Not sure how may baseboards I have but it's 80 miles long.

Here's my machine specs:

Wow! I read that in your other thread but didn't want to go off topic. This blows a big hole in the theory mentioned above about limiting the types of speedtreez.

Again my route was running smooth even with 45+ types of speedtreez. Anywhere form 18 -38 fps. But... with no warning Trainz would freeze, lock up then finally crash. This usually happened when the speedtreez types were 20+. I haven't been able replicate this freezing on any other routes.

The only obvious thing I can see different in your route and mine is total size. Not sure how may baseboards I have but it's 80 miles long.

Here's my machine specs:


What concerns me here, and is probably a reason why your machine locked up, is the amount of free disk space. The 4GB is getting down there pretty low.

Do you have Trainz installed on the D: drive or C:? I have my program installed on my D: drive so it has all the room to play, and the system can do what it wants too on the boot drive without impacting performance as well.

To keep this closer to the topic, Mcguirel made some really nice SpeedTrees also. I use her trees on my route, and I noticed that the performance is much better than it is with the Auran version. They also don't have the constant wind animation, which I think will contribute to poor performance due to the extra movements that have to be drawn in addition to every thing else that's moving about in the sim.

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Put in a four track yard off of a double track main, 2 standing consists, a player train and an AI train or two working it's way through. Don't forget signals and all the other little things that make routes look great and get it all moving.


But the point is, people are saying they can put just speedtreez out and it kills frame rates, my point has been all along that speedtreez are no worse and in some cases much better than most built-in assets and certainly most DLS assets.

Every asset you place on a map is going to take resources which are going to equate out to frame rates. Anything you put too much of is definitely going to make a difference.

But this whole conspiracy theory that it is strictly speedtreez,is really just looking for a bogey man to blame for what otherwise may be a substandard system or mismatched hardware. That's the only point I'm trying to make.

And I think between me and Dermmy that's what's been shown to be accurate.

By the way neither one of my shots were taken in surveyor they were both taken in driver…
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But the point is, people are saying they can put just speedtreez out and it kills frame rates, my point has been all along that speedtreez are no worse and in some cases much better than most built-in assets and certainly most DLS assets.

Every asset you place on a map is going to take resources which are going to equate out to frame rates. Anything you put too much of is definitely going to make a difference.

But this whole conspiracy theory that it is strictly speedtreez,is really just looking for a bogey man to blame for what otherwise may be a substandard system or mismatched hardware. That's the only point I'm trying to make.

And I think between me and Dermmy that's what's been shown to be accurate.

By the way neither one of my shots were taken in surveyor they were both taken in driver…

I've said this in the past too, an no one seems to want to hear this. That evil character named Speed Tree has already been scapegoated.

I've said this in the past too, an no one seems to want to hear this. That evil character named Speed Tree has already been scapegoated.


Correct, they call us fan boys, apologists, owners of $6000 gaming computers and deniers. But facts are facts and they are stubborn little things. And the fact is speedtreez are no worse and in most cases are much better than most other assets.

It's just much easier for people to blame something else other than to look inward.

And just for the record my computer was a $999 Dell computer purchased three years ago, three years and $700 later I have what I have, it's the same processor and it's not overclocked. So it doesn't matter how expensive your system is, just what parts you have and how they work with each other.
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I'm going to make a simple statement without getting into comparisons of what's 'appropriate' or which is the better performer. That's been hashed out enough. I'm not going to get emotional and what I've got to say is probably of no interest to anyone, especially N3V, but here goes....

I absolutely hate speedtrees.

I'm going to make a simple statement without getting into comparisons of what's 'appropriate' or which is the better performer. That's been hashed out enough. I'm not going to get emotional and what I've got to say is probably of no interest to anyone, especially N3V, but here goes....

I absolutely hate speedtrees.


Fair enough…

To keep this closer to the topic, Mcguirel made some really nice SpeedTrees also. I use her trees on my route, and I noticed that the performance is much better than it is with the Auran version. They also don't have the constant wind animation, which I think will contribute to poor performance due to the extra movements that have to be drawn in addition to every thing else that's moving about in the sim.


Yup, McGuireL's trees are great. Plant a bunch of her white oaks, stir some Pofig pine trees into the mix, and I then have a nice-looking thick forest that so far seems to perform nicely on this probably low-end laptop that I run Trainz on. :cool:

Ottodad developed a hack that will turn off the Speedtree wind animation, which I have used: http://forums.auran.com/trainz/showthread.php?t=58607.


...they call us fan boys...

Anybody calls me that just hasn't been paying attention - ROFL!! And I agree with everything else in that post too.

How crap does this shot look with these thing called speedtrees??

Not sure what your point is Jamie, but every single piece of green in that shot is a SpeedTree (oops - except the out-of-focus foreground 'flowers' on the spline grass)...

Andy ;)
What concerns me here, and is probably a reason why your machine locked up, is the amount of free disk space. The 4GB is getting down there pretty low.

Do you have Trainz installed on the D: drive or C:? I have my program installed on my D: drive so it has all the room to play, and the system can do what it wants too on the boot drive without impacting performance as well.


Actually that's an old pic. I now have 12GB free on my C: drive with my OS. Trainz is on the D: drive with 47 GB of free space. Unfortunately I don't think that is the problem. I wish it was that easy to pinpoint.
Not sure what your point is Jamie, but every single piece of green in that shot is a SpeedTree (oops - except the out-of-focus foreground 'flowers' on the spline grass)...

People are saying Speedtrees Look rubbish, but your shot shows how good ST's are

People are saying Speedtrees Look rubbish, but your shot shows how good ST's are


Well they say that they are enormous resource hogs as well, but in reality they're really no worse and in some cases better than most built-in and certainly most DLS based assets.

To borrow the term consensus that others have used in this thread when they claim that speedtreez are the bogeyman, consensus shows that the vast majority of users having issues and blaming speedtreez, aren't really up to date computer wise or have other system issues. Because the vast majority of users don't have an issue.
So what do the new "tests" by the fanboys prove? Only that they know how to plant SpeedTrees so that the performance hits don't show up as much. Very clever, but very transparent. Yeah, you can plant individual SpeedTrees over a large area and it doesn't put as bad a hit on framerates. We already KNEW that. It was shown in our own tests. Look at the Appalachian route in TS12. See how close the SpeedTrees are to the trackage? See how dense they are? These latest tests by the fanboys are a joke.

As to that green blur that everyone is worshipping, I'll see you that blurry SpeedTrees shot and raise you TreesDesigner:

This one is really going around in circles now. Everyone has had their say, many times, and this can only continue going down hill.

If any further personal attacks are made (such as calling people 'fan boys', or similar), then we will take further action.
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